Interesting research Eliyahu,
Few points in response:
1) Where the Hebrew Scriptures are used in the New Testament they don't universally conform to either the Masoretic Text or to the Septuagint.
Several possibilities :
- As there was a scarcity of the Bible at that time, the Bible writers didn't have the Bible but quoted the Bible from their memory by Loose Dynamic Equivalence.
This could be more plausible when we think that the perversion or distortion was not common or popular at that time before the completion of the Bible.
- Another possibility is that there might have been a preceding Hebrew Bible other than the current Masoretic Texts as Dr T Cassidy here suggested the Vorlage Bible.
- Today Messianic Jews have some abbreviated book for the worship service like liturgy or Catechism. Likewise, any simplified small booklet of the Bible may have been distributed for personal use.
2) Study of the Dead Sea scrolls show that there was not a normative canon in Palestinian Judaism before or around the time Jesus lived.
In DSS, there are certain clear aspects in considering the value of the Bible and other documents. because the writers quote the Bible, though there can be minor difference from the current Canon as we see Jubilee, etc.
DEACON said:
3) It is presumptuous to assume the apostles used the same text that Jesus used.
In general the discrepancy between LXX and GNT and MT are more less the same for both Jesus saying and for the epistles.
We lost the Hebrew Words spoken by Jesus in Acts 26:14, and the Hebrew Speech spoken by Paul in Jerusalem ( Ac 21:40, 22:2) Paul delivered the message in Hebrew, but all extant message is in Greek now.
|I believe Paul spoke in Hebrew even at Sanhedrin ( Ac 23:1-)
4) I'm concerned that the love many have for Ben Chayyim's work is based upon its availability to the translators of the Authorized Version.
Many of the members here may misunderstand about me in terms of KJVO.
I am not a KJVO. I keep a certain distance from KJVO's.
What I hate is the dependence on the Vatican Text B, Sinaiticus Aleph, C, A p46 etc. Especially B is the problem.
What I trust is TR and Ben Chayyim MT. But even in that case I don't rule out Aramaic and DSS, etc., because I believe God preserved His Words throughout every existing documents or material, and TR and Ben Chayyim MT are the best and main texts by which God preserved His Words.
I knew certain problems with KJV and King James 1 himself as he persecuted many Baptists, was a freemson, reflected the clergy system, believed in Infant Baptism, Apocrypha, and had much more problems.
Actually I agreed to Dr. Bob here when he said AV is rather Anglican Version.
However, realistically, until the Lord comes, we cannot expect a better and more accurate translation based on the correct underlying texts gain the popularity as much as KJV has now.
That's why I stay as a KJVP(preferred ) or KJVB ( the Best)
We cannot and shouldn't be brainwashed by Idolatrous Catholic texts, and I believe TR-Ben Chayyim MT were trusted by Waldensian and Wiedertaufer(Anabaptist) and many sincere believers.
So, we find here again Jesus used the Bible in the same sequence as Ben Chayyim MT, and I stay with it! Because we don't have many choices but LXX, Ben Asher MT, Ben Chayyim MT ( Aleppo or Samaritan Pentateuch cannot be the bases)