That's an odd story with odd timing because when I was Pentecostal/Charismatic two weeks ago I had considered that very possibility a number of times.
I wondered if Donald Trump could be given enormous miraculous power by Satan in order to fool the world into thinking he was God. This would be soon followed by the False Prophet showing up and the Image set up in the temple, and the subjugation of Israel to allow this, the End Times wars (there seem to be several as far as I can tell from Daniel), and the invasion of Libya and a number of other nations talked of in Daniel, and all the rest of the End Times.
From a cult-like occultist Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint this is an easy one. Of course, it's viable. It's viable in so much that we are on the cusp of the Return of Jesus Christ in their thinking, which means the End Days may start under the Trump Administration, it is viable because Donald Trump and his movement are revolutionary in American history let alone for these latter days in "End Times history," it is viable because President Trump in a number of ways seems to hold onto sins unbecoming of a Believer and which therefore put the true heartfelt sincerity of his faith in doubt, and it is viable because president Trump seems like a one man cult of personality, which is one characteristic that the bible provides of the Beast and his dominion.