No, I believe God, in his mercy, can look over their sin (as he did for those in the OT who had yet to come to know of Christ, ref Rom 3; 2 Cor 5), and choose to apply Christ's atoning work as an act of Grace. In other words, there is only one way to heaven, through Christ and God's grace. Not through dying in your own "innocence."
This does not explain the elder son who never transgressed his father's commandment at any time. Remember, it was Jesus that said this.
So who could this be?
It also does not explain who the 99 righteous persons are that need no repentance. Again, it was Jesus who said this.
Luk 15:7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Now, perhaps you never wondered who these 99 persons who need no repentance are, but I did.
I take Jesus as literal in these parables, he is truly saying there are 99 persons who need no repentance, and he was truly saying the elder son had never transgressed his father's commandments at any time.
Who could possibly qualify to be these persons? The only answer I can come up with is Jesus is speaking of babies and little children who died before they knew between good and evil and were not imputed sin. There have probably been many billions of persons who were stillborn or died at a very early age. I believe this explains who these persons are.
That said, I agree with Webdog that these children were under the curse, thus, they physically died. These persons still require the grace of God and the atonement that Jesus paid. Without Jesus they could never resurrect from the dead.
I have read commentaries, I have never read any scholar who can explain who the 99 just persons who needed no repentance and the elder son who never transgressed his father's commandments at any time. But this is because all commentators I have ever read all ASSUME that original sin is true. I have come to believe it is not true.
There are many other scriptures that support my view.
Rom 7:9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.
11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
I have heard people say that Paul mistakenly "thought" he was alive. I reject this interpretation, I believe Paul was directly saying he was truly spiritually alive, but when he matured and understood the law he was convicted of sin and died spiritually.
1 Pet 2:25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
Here, Peter, like Jesus in Luke 15 shows us as sheep that were not originally lost, but have gone astray in sin and become lost, and are now RETURNED to Jesus. If we are born in sin, separated from God, then it could never be said we are returned to God. You cannot return to some place you have never been.
Scriptures like these cause confusion and difficulty for those who hold to Original Sin. Once you realize that OS is false doctrine, all of these difficulties immediately disappear. I have no difficulty at all with Jesus saying the prodigal son was alive AGAIN, I have no difficulty with Paul saying he was ALIVE without the law once, and I have no difficulty with Peter saying we are RETURNED to God. These scriptures make perfect sense and are completely consistent if Original Sin is not true.
It also explains who the 99 are that need no repentance, and the elder son who never sinned. No difficulty for me at all.
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