Where in the whole Bible does it say the Corinthians were speaking by ANOTHER SPIRIT?? It doesn't! THey were speaking well, giving thanks WELL...the assembly just was not being edified. He did not tell them to quit speaking in tongues. He told them to keep silent IN THE CHURCH, and SPEAK TO GOD. That was the purpose of tongues...speaking to God. Just in the church to have an interpretation.
I explained the Scripture in detail to you, and now you say "where in the whole Bible does it say the Corinthians were speaking by another spirit." That is rather insulting! If I explain this to you again it will be at least the third time. Will you pay attention now? Or just pass it off again and disregard it as usual?
1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and
that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
--Not to take up space I am only quoting the 3rd verse. Read verses 1 and 2 to get the context. Now there are two spirits here. One is the Holy Spirit, and one is a demonic spirit. No man speaking by the Holy Spirit will call Jesus accursed. If the man is speaking in tongues (context), then what kind of spirit will call Christ accursed? A demonic spirit of course? Is that not plain to see? Many tongue-speakers speak through demons without realizing it. I can give you examples but I don't want to take up the space to do it. I want to rely on the Word of God, not experience like you do. They spoke by the power of demons, and called Christ accursed. Is that not plain for you to see? Why else would they be calling Christ accursed?? They had a pagan background (vs.2), which in the past they spoke in pagan past. They reverted back to it.
Exactly! that is why they are saying IN THE SPIRIT. Becasue it is the Spirit that gives the utterance. In other words, you are speaking the perfect will of God in "praying/speaking in tongues."
This goes with 12:3. Note carefully "No one can say that Jesus Christ is Lord but by the Holy Spirit." Why did Paul say that if an unsaved Catholic can do it, or even a Muslim can do it? Because they were speaking in tongues. That is why I made the statement. It was in the context of 12:3. Read carefully.
I am not disagreeing with Paul! But he also said you give thanks well! So praying in the spirit is good JUST IN THE ASSEMBLEY make sure you have interpretation.
Tongues were a gift
just for the assembly. They were not to be used outside of the assembly. That was the instruction given to the church at Corinth. It was a gift given for the church. Check 1Cor.12:28ff. That passage makes it very plain. If it is given to the church it had to have interpretation. Even you go against this because you don't have interpretation, and therefore your tongues are unbiblical.
I do know the Holy Spirit well. No doubt far better than you do. He has led me to the truth, not the mysticism you know. You search the Scriptures not your experience, and you will find out how wrong you are. Why do the Charismatics have to learn languages if the gift of tongues is still operative today? Why can't you answer that question? They must learn foreign languages because the gift of tongues has ceased. Those are the plain facts. What passes today as tongues are fraudulent; they are of Satan.
THat one is easy! BECAUSE TONGUES ARE NOT TO SPREAD THE GOSPELS..they are speaking to God, and God understands all languages...and a lot of missionaries do speak in tongues.
In the Bible tongues are foreign languages. Look at another translation.
1 Corinthians 14:13 Therefore let him who speaks in another language pray that he may interpret.
14 For if I pray in another language, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.
--I only quoted those verses for examples. All throughout this translation [WEB], and most others, the words "another language" is used. It avoids confusion. Remember the KJV is 400 years old. It uses the word "tongue" as in the phrase "mother tongue" or native language. It always refers to language, known language. Thus the language you speak in must be recognizable. Who recognizes the language you speak in? What is it? What do you say when you speak?
When Paul used the gift of languages he used it in other churches, in other lands where: 1) the NT was not complete, 2) Jews were present, 3) another language was needful to speak in. There was a definite purpose for tongues. If you can't fulfill these purposes then tongues is not for you. So, yes it was used in preaching and teaching the Word of God. Why do you think it needed an interpreter? That should be a no-brainer.
THe Bible never said they will cease...UNTIL the coming of our Lord! Man's doctrine came up with the ceasing! YES! Satan imimtates everything Christ does...so what does that prove...that Christ is not real??? That kind of logic can not disprove tongues.
The Bible does say tongues will cease.
1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether
there be prophecies, they shall fail;
whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether
there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
--Tongues shall cease. Paul wrote that in 55 A.D. The question to ask is when tongues would cease. The answer is given in the next few verses.
1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
--We know in part. The NT was not complete. By 50 A.D. only Matthew and James had been written, and the epistles that they had received. They also had OT revelation. Thus they "knew in part." Therefore prophesy was necessary. It was a necessary gift. Tongues acted as prophesy or teaching when interpreted. It was a vehicle for NT revelation when used properly. That is why it is not needed today. The canon of Scripture is closed. Everything we need to know is within the pages of the inspired Word of God. But they didn't have that. Thus tongues would cease.
When? At the close of the first century when the canon of Scripture was complete.
1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
The word "perfect" is teleios. It is a Greek word meaning "complete" as it also means complete in English. The Word of God would be completed at the end of the first century when John would right the last book, the Book of Revelation ca. 98 A.D. There was nothing else written after that.
Furthermore, "that which is in part" refers to the revelatory gifts mentioned in verse 8: "prophecy, tongues, and revelatory knowledge (not all knowledge--but knowledge used specifically used for the revelation of God's word). When God's revelation to mankind was completed these gifts would cease.
Again, the noun "teleios" or complete, is a neuter adjective, and therefore cannot refer to Jesus Christ or any other masculine noun. It defines the Word of God, a neuter word. In fact the entire context is about revelation from 13:8 all the way to the end of chapter 14.
Tongues shall cease, and they did.