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It has already been given. The word means "willing." He was willing to allow them to do as they wanted rather than what He wanted.
Now, let's move on. The WCF is meaningless to me. But you have certainly used it to avoid answering any of my questions. Here they are again. Don't hide behind a change of subject. Just answer the questions honestly.
1. So what part of man, body, soul, or spirit, do you think was not affected by the fall and is holy enough to approach God on its own merits?
2. What condition of perfect holiness did you meet that caused God to elect you to heaven that your neighbor, who is obviously inferior to you, does not meet?
3. If the atonement is applied to everybody without distinction then their sins are forgiven and they go to heaven. If not, how does a sinless person end up in hell?
4. If the Grace of God is powerless to achieve that which He intended it to achieve does that make God impotent? Unable to achieve His own goals?
Yeah that's one they can never jump over, they never answer it, they either act stupid like they don't understand it, or are. But yeah why is one man saved, yet his neighbor not? Is it because he's "Better", "Smarter", "Right place, right time"? Why is it that there are billions throughout the ages that never heard the gospel, does God not have the power to get the gospel to them? Of course He has it, He created everything, so by withholding the Gospel, it's the same as predesignating who is saved, only without purpose. First the bible SAYS everything that happens is predestined, that alone is enough. Then as you read scripture it's everywhere. If things happened without intervention, it's possible that Christ would not have been crucified, what if out of their free will they made Him King? Here's a better one, He's crucified, but out of mans free will NNE BELIEVES, Jesus prays for Peter, but Peters will is greater than God, so Satan does sift him like sand.
Look Arminianism is a form of Roman Catholicism, and is not biblical, it's heresy exactly as the Synod of Dort states, I have NO PRIDE, aside from God's grace I'd be wicked and ignorant, it's ONLY by God's grace that I am who I am, God took out my heart of stone, and put in a heart of flesh as promised, I DIDN'T DO IT, He did it, BEFORE I believed, I believed because He changed my heart, "I have drawn you with lovingkindess". I just don't debate anymore, it's like debating Atheists, you show them IE Hebrews 12, read the entire chapter where it teaches that God chastises everyone that He accepts as a son, I did that once in a Pentecostal Church, the leader said "My God is not like that", so I just walked out. I just wish they'd either STUDY AND LEARN THE TRUTH, or leave the Church, to me they are more dangerous than Atheists, for they give a form of Godliness without the truth, so they deceive many. My view had changed MUCH on Arminians, I am convinced many are truly saved, but they don't know the debate, those who learn it WILL believe it, the ones who don't were never saved, they were probably raised Christian, or think it's cool or something. God either grants grace and we do good, or withdraws what we do not deserve, and we sin, when we do good God gets the glory, not us, when we sin however we are responsible, for we are sinners, this is Christianity 101.
Arminians can NEVER pray for anyone, when they pray for say salvation of someone, number one they are asking God to violate mans will, second they saying God is trying, but too weak to save the person. Arminianism is so arrogant, that's what bothers me the most, it robs God of Glory. God's hand has been on me for two years and I saw it, now His face shines on me and I see it, I'm making great money, but that's because of God "Who creates the poor, who makes the rich, is it not I says the Lord", but they'll ignore that verse, just pathetic, sorry guys but I can't help, it's just so aggravating, just tell them to study, then come back so they don't embarrass themselves.