is the current movement still greatly into separation, even from other brethren who would not agree with some of the very strict living regulations?
There are THREE LEVELS of fundamentalism, and all three DIFFER yet retain the name "fundamentalism". That is the confusion.
MODIFIED FUNDAMENTALISM = believe most (not all) Biblical doctrine AND will actively cooperate with apostasy and compromise
Schools: Fuller Seminary, Gordon-Conwell, Trinity College and Seminary, Wheaton, LaTourneau, ORU, Western Conservative Baptist
Missions: Africa Inland Mission, Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Soc., TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission), Far Eastern Gospel Crusade, Greater Europe Mission, Sudan Interior Mission, World Vision, Wycliffe Translators
MODERATE FUNDAMENTALISM = expound all Biblical doctrine BUT will not expose error, and compromise with those who believe such
Schools: Biola, Cedarville, Dallas Seminary Grace Seminary, Cornerstone, Moody, Tennessee Temple, Westminster Seminary
Missions: American Board of Missions to the Jews, Central African Mission, Trans-World Radio, Word of Life Fellowship, Gospel Missionary Union, Back to the Bible
MILITANT FUNDAMENTALISM = expound all Biblical doctrine AND expose all error and compromise and those who believe such
Schools: Maranatha Baptist University, Bob Jones, Clearwater Christian, Faith BBC, BBC Springfield, BBC Clarks Summit, Central Seminary, Calvary Seminary, Detroit Seminary, Pillsbury BBC, Faith Seminary
Missions: Assoc of Baptists for World Evangelism, Baptist World Mission, Baptist International Mission Inc, Baptist Mid-Missions, Baptist Bible Fellowship, Maranatha Baptist Missions, Evangelical Baptist Missions