Why is this a problem? A man who will not be saved will not be saved and a man who will be saved will be saved. Nothing can change it. Unless you’re going into the openness of God heresy that’s been gaining popularity. Why do Muslims reject the gospel? Do they have a hard time comprehending the belief system? Or do they think earning God’s merit is a better way?
If God is perfect and in order to be in his presence we are imperfect who has to compromise his being? God does of course. But if God wanted to perfect us so that no compromise was needed so that our union was free of guilt how could that have been accomplished? It was accomplished with God paying the penalty of Adam’s sin. Now we can by a declaration of God be in his presence without the need for God to compromise his absolute righteousness’ requirement of justice.
It is my belief that scripture teaches that men can see and agree with the argument for unhindered fellowship as o described. They just can’t accept it even tho it is doctrinally and theologically solid as a rock - if one takes their definition of God from the Hebrew concept found in the Bible. God is light and there is no shadow of turning etc. if one believes this, it matters not whether he’s a Mormon or a Muslim or an atheist, he can see, he can agree, he can concede that this is a relevant and strong argument that goes against his theology but, he cannot accept it unless God has drawn him to the Son.
Joy unspeakable full of glory
"If God is perfect and in order to be in his presence we are imperfect who has to compromise his being? God does of course"
I don't think this is what you mean, but your giving me the impression God had to become little more evil to come in contact with those imperfect?
God never changes. Immutable, Impassible. He doesn't have to upgrade or downgrade for anyone to be in his presence. You are simply in his presence if he wills it.
"It was accomplished with God paying the penalty of Adam’s sin."
Paying who, what? That sounds like the one being paid is "REAL" God
"Now we can by a declaration of God be in his presence without the need for God to compromise his absolute righteousness’ requirement of justice."
Perfect righteous justice has always been equated to "CHARITY" the Hebrew word for justice, based on restorative justice, not a volcano god's retributive justice.
"he cannot accept it unless God has drawn him to the Son."
Jesus Christ draws all men.
John 12
32“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.”
Even in John 6 its not a exclusive offer,
32Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven.
They refused.
"Why is this a problem? A man who will not be saved will not be saved and a man who will be saved will be saved."
Thats the easiest way to state the Calvinist Gospel. IF GOD likes you then you will be saved, If God hates you then you will be damned. Same attitude of any other pagan god or volcano god. Having the right favor is always the gist.
How is it we can word the entire belief in one line the bible could not in 40 thousand? Because that is not what scripture teaches.
Instead it has us begging on the behalf of Jesus that a person reconcile with God. BEGGING people to reconcile with God.
If your common sense is sanctified, wouldn't it make more sense to BEG GOD?