Also states to make to work out your salvation, to make sure of your election, and to grow into the image of Christ!
Disciples have to fo
John MacArthur has been confronted several times about his teachings on "Lordship Salvation", and it seems he does not wish to retract any of it.
While I understand that what he sees in Scripture is the necessity, at some point, of a believer being conformed into the image of Christ ( Romans 8:29 ), he appears to skip right from the new birth to full maturity without taking into account that believers take time to grow in the faith...
And that they often stumble into sin and the Lord patiently chastises and causes them to see their errors, and to resolve to walk worthy of their calling and election.
This is where I have a distinct disagreement with him, if I'm understanding him correctly.
There's a reason for him not to retract on his heresy:
The heresy of lordship salvation theory was & is used to appeal to & enslave gullible christians saved in large numbers in the Billy Graham crusades in order to promote their own bellies and those of their cronies!
Money is involved...