@Adonia , I want you to know that I do not hate Roman Catholics. I know I have been rather snarky in this and related threads. I happen to believe Roman Catholicism gets the Gospel wrong (among many other things). I have a two-fold purpose in responding to these threads. 1. To refute error. 2. To proclaim the truth. If I allowed my frustration to turn up the emotional temperature, I apologize for that. I am not an easy-going guy. I want nothing more than to see Roman Catholics leave their religious system and embrace Christ. But even more than that, I do not want my fellow Baptists to get cozy with any semblance of Roman Catholicism.
Your assumption that Catholics do not embrace Christ is ridiculous. I have watched evangelicals on this board attack Catholics at this time of year for observing the greatest gift God has ever given to humanity. You ask, 'why do we Catholics celebrate Jesus dying on the cross?' We don't...but it's important to understand that He stood in each one of our shoes as he stepped in front of the speeding bullet train of God's wrath. At our creation, God gave humanity the choice between being ego centered or altruistic. Human nature is totally ego-centric until each human's spirit awakens and decides to follow God's design of caring for, serving and benefitting others as our goal in this life. God got sick of humanity's choice of depraved behavior and wanted to wipe us off the earth as a sort of failed experiment. Jesus, His son, made the decision to agree to take our punishment in order that God, after exacting retribution on the human race, would reopen access to eternal life with Him in Heaven. Recognizing Jesus' gift to us, and becoming obedient to God's plan for us allows us to enter the incredible, eternal, loving life with God that He had in mind for us at the beginning of everything. Jesus created the new path to God for us to follow when He died, was buried and was RESURRECTED!!! Jesus actually walked, talked and shared food with His diciples to prove He was alive, in the flesh, after being dead. THAT is the path we aim to follow! THAT is what we celebrate at Easter!!! That is why we rejoice and say, "He is RISEN!"
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