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Impressions of a War Correspondent by George Lynch -- 1868-1928

He reports on firsthand experiences in the Boer War and on his experiences during the Boxer Rebellion in China. His reports on the atrocities of European armies in China and the compliance of missionaries in China is quite disturbing. One chapter is his view on why Christianity failed in China at the end of the 19th century and it is largely because of the actions of missionaries in their revenge of the Boxers. There is no glory of war in his writings.

Thank God for the work that has been done in the past 25 years in China ... and thank God for the faithful Chinese Christians who held steadfast through the terrible years under Mao. Their work has shown good results. Korean Christians are doing great work in evangelizing China.

Available free from www.Gutenberg.org

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Escape from the Deep

Escape from the Deep
A Legendary Submarine and Her Courageous Crew by Alex Kershaw


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The War Within: a secret White House history 2006-2008

By: Bob Woodward

The is an eye opening book on he inside working of the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department.

From the blurb: Keeping policy reviews secret so as not to harm Republican prospects in the November 2006 elections, the administration redies for change, including Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's firing and General David Patraeus' promotion.


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The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner

Georg-Günther, Freiherr von Forstner , 1882-1940

Thinkingstuff wrote: Crabtownboy you're making your way through the Library?

Always reading at least one book, often two or more. What is life without reading?


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The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner

Georg-Günther, Freiherr von Forstner , 1882-1940

Always reading at least one book, often two or more. What is life without reading?

I can agree.
I'm reading The New Testiment Its Background , Growth, and Content Bruce Metzger.


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OK, I'll admit it. I'm reading Glenn Beck's "Arguing With Idiots".

It's actually pretty good, a lot more organized than his radio programme. Good information. Of course, take it with a couple of grains of salt. Has an informative section at the back regarding the U.S. Constitution. ( You remember, that archaic document that U.S. laws are supposed to be based on? :BangHead: )


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Finished "Every Young Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker a few months ago. Great strategies for dealing with temptation.

Fred Moritz

New Member

Just finished The Making and Unmaking of An Evangelical Mind. I don't have it with me as I write so cannot remember the author. It is the tragic story of Edward John Carnell who was the second president of Fuller Theological Seminary. Carnell moved from Orthodoxy to the left. He was a tragic figure who suffered a breakdown, battled depression, and died mysteriously of a barbituate overdose in an Oakland, CA hotel. They never did determine if his death was accidental or suicide. I rather think it was accidental from what evidence is known.


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84, Char Cross Road

by Helene Hanff

My 'daughter' ordered this from a used book store and I could not resist it. It's only 100pp., but I had to take a bit at a tme to make it last...you don't eat the whole cake at once.

This delightful book is simplyt the letters between a NY writer and and an English clerk at a bookstore. They begin in 1949. [pub. 1970] Best described as a wonderful, witty, celebration of intellect and friendship.

Also, just re-read the Preface to John Bright's The Kingdom of God, , which alone is worth the price of the book [I don't have a clue what it costs these days from a used book store.]