Heroes Among Us, by Congressman Jim Ryun and Sons - a look at the lives of some relatively unsung heroes in American history. Heroes who can be emulated for their character and convictions rather than hand-eye coordination or good looks.
Great chapter on Adoniram Judson.
First Impressons, by Mark Waltz - practical and organizational look at how guests see your church. essentially how to make the message the only thing that should be turning people away from your church, getting out of the country club mentality, that sort of thing. Interesting read!
Killer Angels, can't remember the authors name offhand. Civil war book, mainly Gettysburg, just started it. I think I may have read it before, but all the Civil war books seem to merge into some sort of 1863 stream of consciousness for me. Especially since I have been watching the movie 'Gettysburg' as well this week.