Van said:
Why did you put your faith in Jesus?
1) You believe in God, the one who sent Jesus. If you do not believe in the one who sent Jesus, you cannot believe in Jesus.
2) Believing in God, you were "of My Sheep." You were a seeker of God and believed God rewards those who seek Him.
3) You were cultivated, taught and shown how godliness is better than godlessness.
4) You were presented in some way the gospel of Christ, and you understood it, having not hardened yourself so much by the practice of sin, that you had lost your ability to discern spiritual milk.
5) You were watered after you were planted, discipled and encouraged and given fellowship with fellow believers.
6) You meditated on your choice, give your life to Christ who died for you, or deny the blood of the Master.
7) You chose to trust in the blood of Christ and to strive to follow Him wherever He leads.
Does Romans 12:3 say or suggest our faith was given (instilled) via Irresistible Grace? Nope. The "measure of faith" refers to our holy calling, our ministry within the body of Christ, thus our measure of ministry within the body, referred to as the faith. Just read the following verses (Romans 12:4-6).
How are we drawn? We become aware of God's lovingkindness toward us, i.e. seeing Christ high and lifted up dying for us, and therefore we love Him because He first loved us.
Any way we are presented with the gospel is "some way." And so are all the other ways.
Paul teaches after we are cultivated, planted and watered, then God causes the increase, He alone transfers individuals from the realm of darkness (in Adam) into the kingdom of His Son (in Christ.)
Without God's revelatory grace we could not understand and have the opportunity to receive the gospel. However, we are not "enabled" by Irresistible Grace, as demonstrated by Matthew 23:13. Unregenerate men were seeking God, i.e. entering heaven, yet were blocked thus not under the influence of Irresistible Grace.
To be "of His Sheep" i.e. a worshiper of God, or open to God's revelation, is not the same as being "My Sheep." The first group (of His Sheep" are potential believers, open to the gospel of Christ) and the second group are believers who God has put spiritually in Christ.
When I mistakenly cited John 15:19 as proof our election for salvation occurred during our lifetime, for we were chosen out of this world, a Calvinist (Iconoclast) correctly pointed out Jesus was talking about His disciples, the 12, and therefore the verse was not applicable for being chosen for salvation. However, when another Calvinist mistakenly cites the verse as teaching we choose Jesus because God first individually chose us, all the other Calvinists remain strangely silent.