I am reminded of a joke:
How do you know when a politician is telling a lie? His lips are moving!
Now for the reality:
I think Rep. Wilson was saying what many American citizens are believing -- that the President has lied to us before about certain things, and is probably lying about the health care reforms.
That Rep. Wilson said it out loud during the President's speech was NOT appropriate, but that he SAID it echos well in the citizen's minds. We are tired of hearing President Obama say one thing while doing another. We are tired of the excess spending, when saving would work better. We are tired of him cowtowing to the dictators of the world, instead of defending the United States. We are tired of ILLEGAL non-citizens getting better treatment than we who work hard for a living. We are tired of the "change" that has all been for the worse! And we are tired of the Senators and Representatives that we elected refusing to listen to us as we tell them how we feel and believe.
We are also tired of a supposed Christian doing everything he can to bolster the killers of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in countries such as Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. We are tired of the murder of unborn children in abortion clinics, which our President totally supports, no matter how many times he lies and says otherwise.
Have you gotten the picture yet? American Christians, regardless of their ethnic background, should be ashamed of their support of evil from ANY source. That includes support of adulterous governors, lying Senators and Representatives, and, yes, even a lying President. We should be standing for the Truth and for all things good. We should NOT be cutting each other down, but we should be working together to prove the love God has for all of us. We should NOT be accusing each other of being racists, but working hard to eliminate racism. (BTW, it has been my experience that those who most often accuse someone of racism, are in fact worse rasicts than the accused. I am NOT accusing, I am just stating my experiences).
Have you heard that the Congressional Budget Office has stated that the House Health Care Reform bill would cost 9 trillion dollars over the next 10 years? We cannot afford such a bill! Yet it contains everything President Obama has stated he wants! How do you think we will pay for it? By borrowing more money from China and other countries who do NOT want us to succeed!
Thanks for letting me rant! Perhaps others will start thinking about what they are doing and saying to each other, repent, and work together for the Lord!
Bill :godisgood: