Distraction, distraction, distraction.
Look, the Democrats are going to call Joe Wilson a villian, the Republicans are going to call him a hero. What do you expect?
You can bet Obama and the Democrats are going to use this outburst as a distraction, to take people's minds off the real subject at hand. I don't get much time to watch the news, but I can guess all the pundits are going to be talking about this outburst now and not the details of Obama's health plan. And that will good for Obama, because so far, the more people have learned the details of his plan, the less they have liked it.
Look, the Democrats are going to call Joe Wilson a villian, the Republicans are going to call him a hero. What do you expect?
You can bet Obama and the Democrats are going to use this outburst as a distraction, to take people's minds off the real subject at hand. I don't get much time to watch the news, but I can guess all the pundits are going to be talking about this outburst now and not the details of Obama's health plan. And that will good for Obama, because so far, the more people have learned the details of his plan, the less they have liked it.