What are doctrines that we should separate with people over and what are the essentials that we need to be agreed upon to be able to fellowship and serve God together?
Bible Translation?
Eschatology? (Timing of Rapture?)
Gap Theory?
What are your thoughts?
The essentials of Christian Faith to avoid splitting of a Church are or should be:
1. The deity of Jesus Christ
2. The nature of the Triune God only as revealed in Scripture with nothing added
3. The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ
4. The substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the only way man can be reconciled to God
5. The rebellion of Adam and Eve is a historical event and because of that rebellion all mankind is subject to the wrath of God
6.Salvation is by grace through faith alone [works have no part either in salvation or keeping salvation]
7. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between man and God
8. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ
9. The resurrection of Jesus Christ as the surety of the believers bodily resurrection
10. Rejection of open theism as contrary to Scripture and #2 above and heretical
11 Rejection of Hyper Dispensationalism as contrary to Scripture and heretical
12. The visible return of Jesus Christ
13. Baptism is by immersion and only for those who have experienced salvation in jesus Christ [Only for Baptist Churches}
If I think of more I will add them, it is bedtime!