Well......let me ax you.......the sermon I heard last week stated that the 5 points were....to use this pastors words.....rediculous. Don't you think that's a clear starement against DoG?
Yes I do. Had I believed in infant baptism, elder form of government, hierarchies, creeds and the like, I would have stayed a Presbyterian. One of the distinctives of being a Baptist is immersion. There is no distinctive in the division between dispy and covenant theology dividing the two denominations. I can point out Presbyterian churches and Baptist churches that believe both. Ours believes in covenant.
For a person to masquerade as a theological scholar, and make statements like the ones have been made that divide the two denominations is ridiculous to even take the time to read.
The problem in associating people like Calvin with Baptists is so much of his theology is outside the Baptist realm, such as infant baptism, Christian liberty, and separation of church and state, plus on top of all that, an insatiable desire to hold on to some of the trappings, ceremonies, creeds and practices of the RCC. That does not even take into account the life the man lead.
On the positive side, Baptists and Presbyterians so share lots of common beliefs, security of the believer, Trinity, Divinity of Christ, salvation by grace through faith, and many others.
The only point I am making or was trying to make before the derailing, is that dispy and covenant theology are not distinctives of either denomination.