I am not Baptist so I really should not be posting a here. I'm hoping you might indulge one question & then I will just follow the thread & not continue to post here.
I have read that Calvinism is embraced by about 30% of all SBC affiliated churches. I have also read that it threatens to divide the convention. Would it be Calvinism's tolerance (some Calvinists traditions) of women pastors that is the main concern? Or would it be the question of salvation that makes many un-comfortable with the growing number of SBC churches embracing this theology?
I graduated from an SBC college before the purge of liberals (was very happy to see that happen) back 30 yrs ago or so, and many of the professors at that time supported women's ordination. At that time Calvinism didn't seem to be much of a concern. The reasons given for their support of WO were primarily sociological and not theological. Again, I will respect the rules of the Board and not continue to post in this forum but would appreciate hearing board members take on this.
John Calvin's comments in his commentary on 1 Timothy 2:12 may be helpful here:
12. But I permit not a woman to teach. Paul is not taking from women their duty to instruct their family, but is only excluding them from the office of teaching (a munere docendi), which God has committed exclusively to men. This is a subject we have already gone into in relation to I Corinthians. If anyone challenges this ruling by citing the case of Deborah and other women of whom we are told that God at one time appointed them to govern the people, the obvious answer is that God's extraordinary acts do not annul the ordinary rules by which He wishes us to be bound. Thus, if at some time women held the office of prophets and teachers and were led to do so by God's Spirit, He who is above all law might do this, but being an extraordinary case, it does not conflict with the constant and accustomed rule."
John Calvin, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries: A New Translation, Vol. 10 (Eerdmans, 1964), p. 217.
In conclusion Calvinist would not approve of women elders :wavey:
Ps: I believe the convention as a whole has agreed to disagree and let bygones be bygones