The "go" of the commission is the command to PREACH THE GOSPEL - look at Mark 16:15!!!!! Carry your logic through consistently. Your conclusion denies that anyone an "go preach the gospel" but apostles and no one can do it after they died if we follow your logic.
Second, would you deny that Jesus was baptized in water (Mt. 3;15-17)??? Would you deny that the "disciples" of Jesus baptized others in water (Jn. 4:1-2; Lk. 7;29-30)????? The Great commission commands them to observe all things whatsoever "I HAVE" commanded and Spirit baptism was NOT ONE OF THOSE THINGS as it was still yet future from giving of the commission (Acts 1:5). Hence, the ONLY baptism that Christ subjected himself to, and the only baptism His disciples had submitted to and administered to others is WATER baptism and therefore it is the ONLY POSSIBLE baptism that had been OBSERVED and therefore the ONLY POSSIBLE baptism he could say "I HAVE COMMANDED."
Third, the Great Commission was not given to just the "apostles" but it was given to his Church. Notice Matthew 28:7-16 gives instructions unto "the women" to tell his "disciples" as well as "the apostles" concerning the meeting in Galilee on the Mountain. Notice specifically that "some doubted" who were there and it was not the apostles because Christ took care of even doubting Thomas IN JERUSALEM before he ever went to Galilee.
Fourth, I never denied that the baptism in the Spirit was predicted BEYOND the giving of the commission to baptize in water but the scripture does pin point it historically as Acts 1:5 says "not many days hence" and Acts 11:15-16 gives the nearest point in time that it occurred outside of the house of Corneilius as "AT the beginning." Ephesians 4:5 was written well after the house of Corneilius and thus there was only "ONE BAPTISM" when Paul began his missionary journeys.
Last, "in the name of" can mean "by the authority of" (Acts 4:7) and throughout the book of Acts water baptism was administered "in the name of" Jesus or "as authorized" by Jesus in Matthew 28:19. Others than the Apostles administered water baptism throughout the book of Acts (Acts 8:35-37).
Re: Dr Walter, “The only possible baptism referred to in the Great Commission passage of Matthew 28:19 is water baptism.”