This is a good post. You are interacting well with figures of speech. I don't have time to deal more with this post, but I appreciate your attitude. But I will say that Rev. 20 is quite different from your Churchill quote in that (1) 1000 is mentioned 6 times, with explanations about what will occur in the 1000 years. Figures of speech are not repetitious like that. It certainly reads like John was referring to a literal period of time. (2) Your view that since other uses of 1000 are figurative, then all of them must be, is not logical.Well nor is 'you must be born again' a metaphor, and nor is 'destroy this temple....' but you passed them off as metaphors in your post #62. But they are certainly figurative language. I would say they are 'tropes,' figures of speech that involve a deviation from the expected and literal meaning of words. and so is 1,000. That number is constantly used in the Bible meaning 'all that there are.' Winston Churchill used 1,000 in the same way in one of his famous wartime speeches: 'If the British Empire should last for another thousand years, men would still say, "This was their finest hour!"' He could have used a hundred or a million, the sense would have been the same-- all the years it lasted (not very many as it turned out).
Maybe we can do a thread on 1000 all by itself, because I'm out of here due to Icon's silly shenanagins.