Well-Known Member
Hi All,
Salty made a good post on changing the names of Baptist Churches. This has struck my interest. Are the Baptist churches in your neck-of-the-woods the same as they were 30 years ago. I live in Southeast Missouri and I remember back in the 70s and early 80s, we had several Baptist churches with about 200 members on average that were very conservative and traditional as Baptist's go. Several of these churches hardly bring in 40-50 at weekly services now. Most of the towns here now have one or two new churches that are Baptist without the name Baptist. Some have even left their associations and went independant. I have found where a small town once had two or three solid Baptist churches with about 100-250 members, there are now one Baptist church that is still solid but low in attendance and two seeker type churches that run over 500 a week.
Has the Baptist denomination sold out for the Purpose Driven model and abandoned fundamental Baptist doctrine? I know this has been posted before, but where do you think we are as Baptists?
Salty made a good post on changing the names of Baptist Churches. This has struck my interest. Are the Baptist churches in your neck-of-the-woods the same as they were 30 years ago. I live in Southeast Missouri and I remember back in the 70s and early 80s, we had several Baptist churches with about 200 members on average that were very conservative and traditional as Baptist's go. Several of these churches hardly bring in 40-50 at weekly services now. Most of the towns here now have one or two new churches that are Baptist without the name Baptist. Some have even left their associations and went independant. I have found where a small town once had two or three solid Baptist churches with about 100-250 members, there are now one Baptist church that is still solid but low in attendance and two seeker type churches that run over 500 a week.
Has the Baptist denomination sold out for the Purpose Driven model and abandoned fundamental Baptist doctrine? I know this has been posted before, but where do you think we are as Baptists?