Archie the Preacher
I know someone is going to reply "...God breathed..." and that is the word for word translation. However, it really doesn't mean anything on its own. Not a small portion of the problem being, in the recorded statement of Jesus (John 4:24) "God is spirit, and the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." Unless someone can show differently, a spirit does not have lungs and does not 'breathe' in the normal sense of Earthly living organisms. (Which is going to cause the literalist faction fits.)
In English, we use the word 'inspire' to mean 'motivation'. As in, "My brother died of [hideous disease] and that inspired me to find a cure for [same hideous disease]."
All of us who believe the Bible as the revelation of God to man believe God 'motivated' men to write the Bible. All of us who believe the Bible as the revelation of God to man believe the Bible is 'true'. (We may disagree over what a certain passage may say, but we all agree it's true.)
But when Paul wrote, in 2 Timothy 3:16 "Every scripture is inspired by God..." was he just saying God motivated men to write, or all scripture is true, or something more?
For instance, the phonebook is true - or we expect it to be correct, at least - but I doubt any of us think of it as 'inspired' in the same sense as the Bible.
Or is 'inspired' a catch phrase to avoid understanding, but enabling one to deny what anyone else says?
Oh, no one needs to blather on about how inspiration manifests - 'dictation' or 'laisses faire". Just what it means in terms of the Bible.
One last thing. In this discussion, everyone use their own words. Don't bother cutting and pasting fourteen paragraphs from some obscure work written in German, Latin or Calamari that cannot be understood by a normal English speaker and reader.
In English, we use the word 'inspire' to mean 'motivation'. As in, "My brother died of [hideous disease] and that inspired me to find a cure for [same hideous disease]."
All of us who believe the Bible as the revelation of God to man believe God 'motivated' men to write the Bible. All of us who believe the Bible as the revelation of God to man believe the Bible is 'true'. (We may disagree over what a certain passage may say, but we all agree it's true.)
But when Paul wrote, in 2 Timothy 3:16 "Every scripture is inspired by God..." was he just saying God motivated men to write, or all scripture is true, or something more?
For instance, the phonebook is true - or we expect it to be correct, at least - but I doubt any of us think of it as 'inspired' in the same sense as the Bible.
Or is 'inspired' a catch phrase to avoid understanding, but enabling one to deny what anyone else says?
Oh, no one needs to blather on about how inspiration manifests - 'dictation' or 'laisses faire". Just what it means in terms of the Bible.
One last thing. In this discussion, everyone use their own words. Don't bother cutting and pasting fourteen paragraphs from some obscure work written in German, Latin or Calamari that cannot be understood by a normal English speaker and reader.