And so, we're back to the logical conclusion of your argument: "Good" is a standard by which God can be judged. That is only possible if "good" is a standard that we can discern that exists apart and independent of God.
Nosir...that is neither what I am saying, nor does anything I have said necessitate that conclusion. Your logic is simply mistaken. I do not believe that there are abstract properties such as "redness" or "goodness" which exist outside of, or Independently of God. I am not a Neo-Platonist. Basically, I agree with JBH's explanations 100%.
We "KNOW" goodness only because it is
WHO God is...God is the very definition and personification of good. However, I understand then, that that fact serves to limit the available possible actions that God might take in any given situation. God
IS always good, therefore he will always
DO good. What that means though, is that God could not act in a way contrary to his nature, and still be known as "good". You seem to think that is possible, but, I promise you, it simply isn't.
You seem to think that what God
DOES is the definition of "goodness" isn't...who God
IS, is the definition of goodness....And frankly, I am correct in that assessment. What God CANNOT do is be capricious, cruel, sadistic etc...and still be called "good"....if he could, than the term "good" simply possesses no meaning.