After reading a few responses on the “Pentecostal Baptist?” thread, I am starting to understand what is happening to sound Doctrine; (It’s being thrown out the window!)
It is strange how so many “Baptists” are forgetting what the Bible says about “tongues” & “women preachers/teachers” etc.
But then reading the OP of the other thread, about the person who is “coming out”(or as I see it, “falling away”), it is getting easer to see the writing on the wall.......
For the past few months, our Church has been “slowly” studying through John 17:, and for the past two Wednesday nights we have been stuck in V.21, because of the Lord’s prayer.......
“That they all may be one;....”
The sticking point is the fact that some say, since this is the Lord’s prayer, than it was/will be answered; While others are seeing the facts about the condition of the Body of Christ, and are coming to the conclusion that this prayer just "will not" be answered.
i.e How can we be “one”, when so many “Christians” hold to differing Doctrine.
We have ironed it out somewhat, by applying it to individual Christians and being “one in Christ”.
But one of the things that came out in this study, was the realization that some Christians(like those at our Church), only have one source of authority in matters of “doctrine”: .........“The Bible”.
While seemingly more and more Christians, are looking to “men” for answers.
This is why the Pentecostals, can accept so much error, in their Doctrine, when we can’t.
I also shared an experience I had, with a local acquaintance of mine, who is a Pentecostal: How we started to build a friendship, by way of conversations and emails, until I brought up how unbiblical tongues was....and I never heard from him again.
I pointed out, that if the tables were turned and a fellow Christian were to tell me, how unbiblical eternal security was, that I would ask him out for coffee, so we could talk more about it. But most Pentecostals I have met, are unwilling to open themselves up to a Biblical discussion about their beliefs.(Kind of like some Calvinists I know).
I praise the Lord for my Church and it’s “convictions” in the area of Doctrine;
But my heart brakes for the thousands of other Christians and a growing number of Churches, who see gaining new members, as more important than sound Doctrine.