The very fact that he said that indicated that some were speaking in an ecstatic tongue and not knowing what they were saying, possibly denying Christ. He was referring to their pagan backgrounds from which they came out of.
The statement is a sarcastic rebuke. He then says I would rather speak in five words with understanding then 10,000 words without understanding (in another language).
That speaks of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit; has nothing to do with tongues.
You can't speak in tongues if tongues have ceased.
If you think you can speak in tongues, then define the language that you are speaking in. They were known languages. The are always known languages. If tongues were a gift for today, then why do missionaries have to study foreign languages--even Charismatic missionaries. Why don't they use the gift of languages (more appropriately called)?
Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. (Acts 2:11)
Cretans and Arabians: we hear them speaking in our languages the mighty works of God!" (Acts 2:11)
--These were known languages; not ecstatic utterances as one hears today. It wasn't gibberish like today.
Once you open up your mind, stop thinking, then you allow the devil entrance to a playground to do pretty much any thing he wants to do. The Bible admonishes us to always have control of our mind, to think, meditate, study, take heed, etc.
So it says in 1Cor.12:28ff. It lists all the gifts in order of importance. And tongues and the interpretation thereof are at the bottom of the list.
These spiritual gifts were given when the NT was not yet complete. When the NT was completed, at the end of the first century, then these gifts faded away, as history attests. They were no more needed. We have the Word of God and that is all that is necessary, as Heb.1:1,2 teaches. All that we need to know about God is contained within the pages of this book (the Bible). We do not need the spiritual gifts of the first century to give us extra knowledge to help us out in that manner. The canon of Scripture is closed.
Again, you keep referring to those Gifts as being in REVELATORY stage today...
I am a strict baptist on that, the canon of scripture IS completed, NO more need or any additional written revelation will be granted to the Church...
Also agree that missionaries never evidence the "gift of languages"
When one is in prayer communion with God, studying the Bible praising the Lord meditating on him and His word etc...
in the midst of praising Him, are you saying that the devil can come in and "jam it up?"
During that time, one still has control over his mind and thoughts praising the Lord, interceding to God for the saints...
Again, the Devil can get in to mess that up?
Good discussion with you onn this subject...
is there an "official" overall baptist statement/viewpoint on this , or is it ALL up to each local Church and Pastoral staff?
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