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The soul is joined with the demon, that is the resurrection of death. Both are cast into the lake of fire. Demons are spiritually dead. They can be thousands (a legion) in one human physical body. But the resurrection at the GWT is spiritual. That means the soul is re-united with the demon. In the case of those, the spirit is in demon form as pointed out, total darkness. When the church is complete the soul will be united with the spirit. The glorified body like Jesus, and presumably Moses and Elijah had on the mount of Transfiguration.I don’t know if a demon can die, but a demon is not physical, and only physical things die as far as I can tell. The lake of fire IS the second death; it isn’t just the CAUSE OF the second death. Unbelievers are resurrected (meaning their bodies are living again) before they are thrown into the lake of fire.
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Both Moses and Elijah already have their glorified spirit bodies, because they were already in heaven and never in sheol. Jude 1 explains that Satan never took possession of Moses into sheol. Elijah is Enoch who has come from and entered heaven several times. They are the two witnesses of the OT. The only way they could have appeared with Jesus in Jesus' glorified form was that God allowed them to be His two OT Witnesses. They were not to be worshipped, but were examples of the restoration of Adam and the physical and spiritual death that happened when Adam disobeyed God.
The soul cannot die. That is why the second death is eternal, and not the end of life. The issue is not the form of the physical and spirit. Does the soul have form at all? In science fiction it is referenced as the "ghost in the shell".
When Adam physically died the flesh was no longer incorruptible. The shell was once unable to die. It was incorruptible. The shell of flesh on that day did die, it changed from incorruption to corruption. The soul of Adam and Eve, left one shell and entered a dead shell. The old shell died, and in death, they died in spirit as well. The spirit or "glory of God" part is now with God. All humanity at conception have a spirit in God’s presence. All are in the Lamb's book of life. Also the Holy Spirit seals all. The issue stems from the fact the soul is more inclined to go with the carnal dead flesh.
The natural man takes over and is in control. This trend effects the spirit in God's presence. At some point the reprobate mind, causes the spirit to leave God's presence and seek a host in other mortal humans. At that point God can declare, I never knew you. Not that God does not know us, but because our spirit is no longer in communication with God. Paul taught all of this except in the reverse process, when the church would be restored as sons of God.
Being born of Adam does place us in a dead state. But it is not total death without hope as some claim. That is why childhood is so important to God. Early childhood may determine the final outcome. But even in old age one can still turn to God. And contrary to false teaching an elect person cannot live a depraved life and miraculously change in the end because they were elected. Nor will natural depravity prevent any from accepting God’s Atonement. It is still a choice between each human ever born, to follow God or not. Sin is still death, even to those who believe. Sin has sway, until death, and sin is no longer able to effect the outcome of a soul after death.