After reading the OP's on who is at fault for the sinner going to hell? I couldn't help but wonder what the thoughts are about those church folks who came to love the Lord through things like catechism, church membership, etc.?
A lot of churches don't practice the theory of being born-again. There are those in my family who simply took classes and were made members of their respective churches, and they believe they are going to heaven because of their membership, service, giving, etc.
Will God hold the leaders of these denominations guilty for these lives, if in fact, they are lost? Is the blood of those multitudes on their hands?
How about the cult churches? The Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc.? These are well meaning folks; many were introduced to these denominations at birth and know nothing else but their indoctrination. Will God spare those who were misled throughout his or her life?
What will God do with those "well-meaning" folks, mislead by denominational doctrines that did everything but teach and insist that a believer be born-again and follow Jesus in water baptism?
A lot of churches don't practice the theory of being born-again. There are those in my family who simply took classes and were made members of their respective churches, and they believe they are going to heaven because of their membership, service, giving, etc.
Will God hold the leaders of these denominations guilty for these lives, if in fact, they are lost? Is the blood of those multitudes on their hands?
How about the cult churches? The Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc.? These are well meaning folks; many were introduced to these denominations at birth and know nothing else but their indoctrination. Will God spare those who were misled throughout his or her life?
What will God do with those "well-meaning" folks, mislead by denominational doctrines that did everything but teach and insist that a believer be born-again and follow Jesus in water baptism?