Bob, which is why I used the Monergist/Synergist terminology. Some Baptists associate Calvinism with infant baptism. Some like to cite Servetus as a reason for disliking the name. Still, others just do not like anything that is named after a person. While the modern use of the term means strictly the Reformed view of salvation, not everyone agrees with that. Likewise with Arminianism. There are those who reject the term because they believe it means one can lose their salvation. Again, it is named after a man.
Now, as to why some will not even use the terms Monergist/Synergist, those reasons are a bit more revealing. First, there are those like
@HankD who simply do not know what they believe. I have to accept Hank's explanation on face value. Second, these two theological terms provide no cover to stand behind. By accepting the term Monergist, a person is saying that they believe the Holy Spirit is the only agent who effects regeneration of Christians. By accepting the term Synergist, a person is saying that they believe salvation is cooperative (God + man). To expect that level of transparency among most members of the Baptist Board is unrealistic. They will still claim those terms do not describe them. The funny part is that when you ask them to describe their respective views of salvation they come down squarely on one view or the other. There is no avoiding it, but refusing to be defined gives them the "out" of plausible deniability.