We were raised Roman Catholic, a church that flourishes in NJ. We have 17 in a 25 mile area . If I’d stayed with them then I could pick and choose the church but somehow the Holy Ghost with the help of an audio CD of Pastor George Whitefields sermon on “The Method of Grace” played in my car on my way home from college during a snow storm & driving very slow on Route 80 to avoid a collision, convinced me that Christ really did suffer and die to abolish my sins and He really paid a price for my salvation. With time, I waded through two Presbyterian churches, a Methodist church, a Reformed Baptist church blah blah blah until I learned about the Primitive Baptists and have been intreagued by them ever since. I recently even attempted to get the PB church in Tampa Florida to provide sermons to a rapidly dieing Baptist Church in my town but the Baptist church rejected my proposal. Apparently the HS is not that ready to work in them to save them… alas. so here in New Jersey I am stuck here corresponding with my brothers in Florida a 1000 miles away! Would that I could sit with them and share our love for the Lord face to face.
There are many primitive Baptist churches in Tennessee. Whether any of them tape their sermons or not, I don’t know.