The left is having kittens because President Trump is planning a Fourth of July celebration that will feature military hardware--Bradley fighting vehicles, B-2 stealth bomber, F-18 and F-35's flyovers, Abram battle tanks, etc. Trump is planning a patriotic speech mentioning the great history of our country, the contributions of veterans, and perhaps a little public relations touting the economy and other achievements he's made in office.
Big Deal. I don't have a problem with this. It's an unnecessary expense, but a drop in the bucket in the amount of money spent on an hourly basis in this country.
Now, supposing Obama had done something like this in 2011? (Saying, "Obama never would have done this" is not allowed in my hypothetical.) He has a military parade, gives a patriotic speech and then proceeds to tell us how he got the country back on the right track after the Great Recession. I bet conservatives would have been up in arms about it. What do you think?
Typical deflection, making the bogus claim the right is just as biased as the left.
During Mr. Obama's term, when poor economic news arouse, the prior President was blamed. Now when good economic news occurs, He seeks to take credit.
Both sides have faults, but the godless left is worse, so we should all vote against becoming slaves of big government. Corporations did not murder tens of millions of people in the last century, but the governments of Russia, China and Germany did.