Originally Posted by OldRegular
He proved that when he indicated the type of Supreme Court Justice he wanted: one who would rewrite the Constitution.
Response by LeBuick
You have proof he wants a justice what will rewrite the constitution or is this strictly your speculation? You said he proved it, proved it to whom?
He stated he wanted a justice who would empathize people because of their race, sexual preference, etc.: not one who would apply the Constitution. That is proof enough for anyone who believes the Constitution and Declaration of Independence provide the foundation for this Republic. If you don’t understand that then there is no hope for you.
Originally Posted by OldRegular
I suspect that 90+% of the stuff written about Governor Palin is a lie.
Response by LeBuick
You show your state of denial, the things we cited were things we saw on the TV and not read somewhere. She was asked what periodicals she read. No answer. What supreme court decision besides roe v wade do you agree with. No answer. What legislation has your running mate introduced to congress. No answer.
LB, you are not so stupid that you believe those interviews are presented verbatim. The original unedited tapes have long since disappeared.
Your statement: "What supreme court decision besides roe v wade do you agree with." shows that you are totally uninformed. Governor Palin and all Christians like her oppose the roe v wade decision.
Originally Posted by OldRegular
The leftists are scared to death of her for the simple reason that she is genuine. She is not an empty suit like "bho", a motor mouth like biden and a bunch of nonpatriots like all those democrats in Congress who tried to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory in Iraq.
Response by LeBuick
You are still in denial, she lost against Obama in the last election. Why would anyone be afraid of her in the next???
You are repeating yourself LB. She did not lose against "bho", Senator McCain did. The Republicans lost the election because they spent like drunken democrats and the media and democrats lied about Bush for 7 years with no rebuttal from Bush. Cheney is finally responding to those radical leftist lies.
Response by LeBuick
If I still support Obama by the next election (and there is no guarantee I will) I hope she is his opponent. Should be a land slide from my perspective. She will carry the south and Obama will have the rest of the nation.
You are contradicting yourself LB. You may not support "bho" but you hope Sarah Palin is his opponent because she is sure to lose. But that is the illogical mind of a liberal.
If "bho" is re elected it just emphasizes how far this country has advanced on the road to serfdom. democrats have for years, since JFK, desired someone to watch over them like the serfs in Czarist Russia, certainly not GOD.
The south is still the bastion of those who believe the Constitution and Declaration of Independence provide the foundation for this Republic.
Originally Posted by OldRegular
obama showed his true nature in his speech this week, blaming President Bush 28 times for his own inability to do anything right. obama is a narcissistic, pathological liar.
Response by LeBuick
Still in denial. Obama also said "I am the president and solely responsible for the safety of this nation". Sounds like he took ownership of his responsibilities to me.
It is you who are in denial LB!
It is an established fact that "bho" is a pathological liar. It is also an established fact that obama showed his true nature in his speech this week, blaming President Bush 28 times for his own inability to do anything right.