Except that is not my stance. I am saying, and have been saying your asking the wrong question. God allows sin to happen for His purposes. In that sense, it is His will to let sin occur.
No because you are hiding/denying his desire. God states his what he wants and desires in his command.
You can't harmonize your beliefs, just like I explained in another thread you are hung up on by means.
Example: #1 GOD always gets what he wants. #2 GOD does not want for you to ever sin again.
So you are sinless now right? because God doesn't want you to sin.
You can't harmonize both those statements. So you go with a guy who spent only 5 minutes working out from a man's perspective....... So I guess he just SAYS he wants things done but REALLY TRULY wants things done another way.
Like the saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, Your working it out from a power monger perspective of plain man rather than the great love that is Jesus Christ.
And we get that same poorly thought out logic when other Calvinist claim well God loves everyone like a 2nd class Love.....not actual love.
There is grace every where but here's effectual grace. All this nonsense because you already assumed God has to work with your poorly thought out plan.
You pigeonholed God on his means. If God wants a cake it HAS to fall out the sky. If God doesn't want someone to sin today......They have to drop dead in that moment.
You ought to trust God MORE have faith so when you hear him say I don't want anyone in the world to sin, to believe he actually means it.
Its sad you can't agree to that on account you can't work it out from a perspective of a man with absolute power, YOUR IDEA of how can that even be possible. You could only get it to "work" by tossing the character of Jesus Christ under the bus.
Reminds me of the saying if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans.