Which “it” are you referring to? He names Hades, but describes the other place—“Abraham’s Bosom” is not a place name, except in proximity to Abraham.
The question is not what to call it, or how many places He’s referring to, but whether it is a description of places at all, or perhaps whether it is anachronistic. The “spirits” or “souls” are described with physical characteristics, like fingers and tongues, and you alluded to their legs, as you said they were walking around.
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What is the point of making it something it is not?
The dead are dead. There are two types, but not different in any physical way. The big objection is why physical at all?
Do you think the lake of fire is physical?
Can a physical tangible existence be invisible? The term "spiritual" gets over used and probably not substantial any more. Spiritual at one time meant divine or holy, as opposed to secular. It was a concept relating to being religious. Now that the majority of humanity including the "church" are secular, it seems to be the opposite of physical. But that is totally the wrong direction of shift. Adam and the sons of God were created as physical beings and spiritual was physical.
The connection was the word light. Light is not a spiritual concept. It is a physical attribute of God. Thus the attribute of death was outer darkness. Thus the underbelly of what was known as the surface of the earth, was the default place where the dead were. All that is found deep in the ground is darkness. There are several references in the Bible stating, "under the earth". At Noah's Flood it is assumed the earth opened in various places and "consumed" all living matter. We do have oil reserves as proof. But oil is a physical property. God points out the soul is still moving around in those fields of oil. Unless the soul went further down and ends up in a totally different type a physical phenomenon, we have no knowledge of. God put this place further down than modern humans would be able to go. Numbers 16:31-35
31 The moment he finished speaking, the ground under them split apart —
32 the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up with their households, all the people who had sided with Korach and everything they owned.
33 So they and everything they owned went down alive into Sh’ol, the earth closed over them and their existence in the community ceased.
34 All Isra’el around them fled at their shrieks, shouting, “The earth might swallow us too!”
35 Then fire came out from
Adonai and destroyed the 250 men who had offered the incense.
It was the end of the physical body, but yet the place had a name and the soul went down to the place of that name. In Isaiah 5:14-15. It seems that the more humans spread out above ground, sheol matches with an expansion.
14 Therefore Sh’ol has enlarged itself
and opened its limitless jaws —
and down go their nobles and masses,
along with their noise and revels.
15 The masses are lowered, the nobles are humbled — proud looks will be brought down.
So while God let the physical and choices that resulted in sin go on for those above ground, there is still a physical presence under the earth where a physical shell is gone, but a ghost with the same name walks around physically until the lake of fire.