Again, this is not about the greatest attribute.
I get that you don't necessarily agree with me on all points, and that's o.k. I would be happy to explore this more fully....
But...........this is ABSOLUTELY about his "greatest attribute".
And your quote demonstrates the futility of your idea.
Why not just say:
"Nuh,'re a dummy-head"
"As it relates to man..." but what about as it relates to GOD?
I might have put it this way:
"As far as man is concerned".... (that would be another possible way to convey the thought).
It's fine if you disagree, or have a better way to express your ideas....
But, Don't treat me like a moron.
But here's why I said that:
"God's attributes...As they relate to God"....seems like, frankly, a non-statement to me.
I think God's attributes (as far as they relate to man, or as far as revelation is expressed or given to man) is a relevant idea:
I don't think that God's attributes "As they relate to God" even intelligible. What does that mean???
And even God's loves for humans is not an end in itself.
That is what I am disagreeing with. I believe God "IS" Love, and that therefore and object for his love is indeed an "end in itself"...
It is a means to an end... God's glory!!!
I believe God's glory is indeed an "end" which God pursues...
I believe it is love, however, which is the attribute which makes that possible.
I don't consider "glory" as synonymous with brute power or force.
I don't think that a God who Deterministically punishes or damns by force his own creature glorifies him at all. I think his justice does, but only if his justice is motivated by love and not raw power.
An evil Deity can be more "glorified" by raw power (and would seek to be 'glorified' thereby). A loving and just one would not. God is not insecure...he doesn't need constant re-affirmation of his sheer Omnipotence.
He is quite aware of the fact that he is possessed of it, and he doesn't need to display it to all of creation at all times.
But, it's not what
I would contend, that what motivates him, (as it relates to man anyway) is his attribute of love.
God's love wouldn't "relate" to
HIM at all. By definition, love requires an object. I believe that object was man.