It's not just me. Many of my friends and family have noticed what seems like an attack of hatefulness rearing its ugly head in the body of Christ. I've noticed it on the rise in churches, ministries, and even here on BB. I know this is a debate forum and things get heated, but lately, it's getting harder and harder to find true Christian love anywhere!
Seriously, I'm on several other NON-CHRISTIAN forums where people are more respectful and behave better than the Christians. I don't care how "true" your doctrines are, how "good" your church is, or how much you claim to love God. If we cannot, and do not have love for one another, how on earth can we expect people to even believe we are Christians? Without LOVE, we have NOTHING!
You need to get off the computer and go interact with people face to face. The thing about discussion forums is that it is an exchange of ideas. And though vitriol or personal animosity isn't justified, the truth is neither gentle nor kind to error. Quite the contrary, it's deadly.
We're not discussing flower gardens or needlepoint. We're discussing religion and politics, truth and justice. Politics is when one may righteously deprive another of life, liberty or property, and religion is the righteousness of that deprivation.
Leftists are liars and thieves. I'll call them liars and thieves, but that doesn't mean that if I happen across a Leftist who fell among his own kind that I wouldn't minister to his needs. Noncalvinists preach another gospel, and I'll call it another gospel, but that doesn't mean that if a noncalvinist begs for bread I'll give him stone.
Let's take the OP for an example. You're judging us based on the perceived civility in nonchristian discussion forums, on the manner of folks who would sooner see you fed to lions than to be told their idolatry and sodomy is an affront to God? You're judging us, who, if YOU had fallen among thieves would minister to your needs by the polite facades of those who would pass you by on the other side and laugh saying it served you right?
That is the height of myopia.