Go to some of the debate forums with Muslims. Americans tend only to look at the negative side of Islam because of the extreme faction. In fact Islam has contributed much (much more than the Charismatic movement will ever contribute) good. They have contributed in the areas of art, architecture, literature, even medicine, and in many other areas--mostly unknow to Americans who know Muslims as only as a bunch of terrorists--a broad stereotyped paint brush which does injustice to the one billion Muslims that live on this earth.Originally posted by qwerty:
On the surface, your response is troubling. You might want to clarify, and you might not want to.
1. Are you equating Islam with the Charismatics?
2. Is Islam a false religion? Is the Charismatic movement a false religion?
3. Are Charismatics Christians?
4. Is there ANYTHING good that Charismatics do for the Kingdom of God?
The Charismatic movement is in effect a false religion that one day will become part and parcel of the religion of the anti-Christ. It knows no boundaries. It transcends and encompasses all religions. Hindus, Mormons, the Voo-doo worshippers of Haiti--they all speak in tongues. These along with main-line liberal denominations who deny the deity of Christ such as some United Churches of Canada, Methodist Churches, liberal congregational, etc. And what do you do with the Charismatic Catholics? The Charismatic movement is the tool in the devil's hand used by the ecumenical movemement to bring all religions together.
Thus, when the article speaks of Charismatic mainstream doctrine, what is he referring to? The Charismatic movement has no mainstream doctrine except speaking in tongues, and the typical experiences of a Charismatic which define the movement. One popular leader of a Charismatic program, who regularly has a Charismatic Catholic priest on his show, has (more than once) prayed, "O God, deliver us from doctrine."
Yes, doctrine is evil. Doctrine divides. They don't want doctrine. That is why they can so easily accept Benny Hinn's nine person trinity, the god-is-in-you theology. Unity, not theology is the rallying word.
Your critic has set forth his own straw man by picking and choosing his own examples. His example of the kindergarten material was irrelevant. The truth is that MacArthur quotes extensively from first hand material: straight from TBN conversations--the very words of Paul and Jan Crouch, the writings and conversations of the such as Benny Hinn and others that make up the leaders of the present day Charismatic movement.
He asks why MacArthur doesn't quote from Moody or from A.B. Simpson? Is he foolish? Simpson and Moody were not Charismatics and had nothing to do with either the Charismatic movement or its foundation. He has set up his own strawman and would like to compare the Charismatic movement to mainstream Christianity, but in reality it has nothing to do with it. It is a 20th century phenomena. It did not exist before the 20th century.
It associates itself with unbelievers of all kinds--even other world religions that have nothing to do with Christianity. Hindus speak in tongues. Is it of God? --The unifying force of the anti-Christ--that which he will use in the end times to bring about a one world religion. It is inherently evil. Any sincere Christian that has been deceived into following should have nothing to do with. I do believe that there are many sincere Christians involved in this, but they are deceived in their theology and in their association with it. It is not of God.
"Come out from among them saith the Lord."