Those holding to it would be right in viewing the truth of the Christian needs to become more into the image of Jesus, to have more of ourselves given unto Jesus, but where they err in my opinion is when the emphasis is placed too much unto one MUST have surrendered over to Jesus all areas, or else he is Lord of none?The Lordship Salvation controversy dominated seminaries and bible colleges in the late 1980's when John MacArthur published his book, "The Gospel According to Jesus" in 1988. The argument itself can trace its beginning decades earlier, but it became a full-blown controversy after MacArthur's book. The controversy split churches, seminaries, and even well-respected theologians and preachers. While the temperature of the controversy has dropped over the years, its substance still remains.
Lordship Salvation is often misunderstood. Some claim that is proponents are adding works to the Gospel. Those who have made that charge include Charles Ryrie, Dave Hunt, John Walvoord, and Zane Hodges. The actual controversy stems from the Bible's teaching on grace and sanctification. Since John MacArthur is still the leading voice from the Lordship Salvation side, I will quote his view on understanding the role of grace:
Sanctification is impacted because the non-Lordship position refutes that good works are a necessary sine qua non of the Christian life. Ephesians 2:10 teaches that Christians are "...His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."
The Lordship Salvation position is that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Savior regardless of whether a sinner is converted. When a sinner is converted he experiences the beneficial aspects of Jesus as Lord and Savior; his sins are forgiven and he is now treated as a covenant-keeper, not a covenant-breaker. Jesus does not first become Savior and then becomes Lord at some later date (as is the de facto thought behind rededication ceremonies).
That is it for now. Let us see how this thread plays out.
You can get into the Way of the Master, in which one gets to the extreme of having to confess and repent of all know sins in order to even being now saved, as they forget that we are right now fully Justified, but becoming like Jesus life long process.
And God installs Jesus as our Lord once saved over all of us, regardless if we are into Lordship salvation or not!