I grew up being taught lordship salvation, and it really broke me down. As a teenager who desperately wanted to have the assurance of salvation, I believed when people said: "Jesus is going to spit you out of His mouth if you are lukewarm." So what did us teenagers do? Well, none of us knew how "hot" we needed to be to not be "lukewarm." Some gave up out of discouragement, thinking, "I'll never be good enough for God." Others, like me, resolved to become the very best human beings we could possible be in order to be good enough for God. So the law crushed me as I tried to behave my way to salvation. It was Jesus + Self-Reformation = Salvation.
This, of course, is nonsense, and I know it now. Nobody can ever be good enough for God. All have sinned and fall far short of the God's glorious standard. We must humble ourselves before God and reject every trace of self-righteousness or we will not be able to have the GIFT of salvation that God is giving away for free. It is offensive to God to keep insisting that we earn a gift He wants to give for free.
I'm now a pastor in the heart of New York City (Union Square, Manhattan) at Hope Hill Church. I wrote a book and it's on Amazon regarding my wrestling match with the Gospel and my thoughts on all of this. I'll put a link below. I encourage all of the wonderful people at our church to give every area of their lives to Jesus' lordship so He can renovate their lives. Yes, a believer should give every area of their lives to Jesus so He can teach them, clean them up, and raise them up to be all He calls them to be. But we should never think that turning from sin like this or doing good things adds any help to us being saved. No! Instead, we trust that Jesus did all the hard work when He was brutally killed on the cross as our great Substitute. He took the punishment for our sins so that the guilt is removed from our record. So we accept forgiveness and salvation by faith, and then we can freely obey God out of gratitude—not our of fear that God will throw us away.
I appreciate the conversation, and I hope we can all keep learning more about God's great plan for salvation. Have a nice day.