If the heart is always surrendered, why the need for progressive salvation, or overcoming battles? A continuously surrendered heart has no battles to overcome. A continuously surrendered heart is sinless.
I John 1:8,10 has some harsh things to say about that position.
Because the heart is surrendered to a person. That never changes. The living it out is the difficulty while learning how to get the body to surrender to us.
If you are surrendered you will have no trouble living out the Christian life. When you are not surrendered is when you have difficulty. Why the dichotomy FAL? It is complete surrender does not come at salvation (except for the Apostle Paul). Did you forsake all and follow Jesus when you were saved? Did you sell all that you had, give to the poor, deny yourself, and follow him completely at salvation? If so, to whom did you give your things, and where did you go? There was no complete surrender was there? It wasn't LS was it?
Repentance is needed to be saved. But perhaps you have a wrong definition of repentance. I will use the example of the Philippian jailer to demonstrate. When he asked "What must I do to be saved?" Paul simply answered, "Believe (have faith) in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He did not say repent.
The jailer was already in repentance by his statement. The next step is who to place that heart on which is faith.
You statement does not make sense. What do you mean "the jailer was already in repentance by his statement" and where does the Bible say that? The statement makes doesn't even make grammatical sense, much less theological sense.
Paul who was Saul was already turned to God as he understood him. His heart was surrendered. He just did not have faith in Jesus. His experience brought him to the truth and he then placed that surrendered heart to God on the Son which was faith and was saved. Repentance and faith are needed for salvation.
More nonsense. He can't repent without faith. How do you get that he had already surrendered? He was on his way to Damascus when the Lord met in order to kill and torment Christians--hardly surrendered!! When the Lord appeared and revealed himself to him, he put his faith and trust in him by calling him Lord. That was the point of conversion. His surrender came after that when he said, "What will thou have me to do." Repentance came at the same time as faith. They are inseparable and two sides of the same coin.
That is also what repentance is. It is the flip side of faith. The two are the opposite sides of the same coin. Repentance is a change of attitude with respect to God. Immediately Saul had a change of attitude toward Christ. He said, "Lord what would you have me to do?" He would never had previously called Christ Lord. Now his attitude had changed from rebellious to submission; from persecution to obedience. The definition is the same as faith, or at least the outcome is. They both produce the same result.
One cannot believe in Christ without repenting. They go hand in hand.
To ask if I believe in repentance, or if repentance is necessary for salvation is redundant. A person repents as soon as they put their faith in Christ.
There are many people who believe in Christ and call it faith and never turn/surrender (repent) to God.
Then they haven't put their faith in Christ, have they? The God of the Jews is not the God of the Bible.
The religious Jew has the right God but the wrong Person so they are without proper faith for salvation.
You have just denied Christ! Christ is God. They rejected him, and will not put their faith in him.
The religious, but lost gentile in the church has the right person, Jesus, but have not surrendered (repented) to God so they have faith without repentance and remain lost.
Not so, they have not put their faith in Christ. Whatever would make you think that they have. I was a Catholic for 20 years. I believed many orthodox truths ABOUT Christ. That doesn't mean my faith was in Christ as my Savior. It has nothing to do with surrender. Surrender has nothing to do with salvation. When I got saved I was not completely surrendered to Christ at that time either. I had to grow as a Christian. That is sanctification.
It is impossible to be saved and not have surrendered to God.
You are denying sanctification.
These people are sincere about their belief in Jesus for who He is. They have the intellectual understanding and belief, and they want forgiven so as to enter heaven, but confusing sincerity with faith is a death sentence.
You must have a wrong definition of faith.
Faith is the only requirement set forth for salvation.
Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God.
--Do you deny the truth set forth in Romans 5:1
See also Acts 10:43; 16:31; John 3:16-18, 1Cor.15:1-4.
Do you deny these Scriptures? The all teach that salvation is by faith alone.
What happened to "sola fide"?
Also while repentance is done in a moment as a total surrender it is never complete. We are told this 2 Cor 5:17
Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
You have no idea what that verse means do you?
Why not read it in its context. It means that all Christians are one in Christ--that the banker is just the same as the janitor, and not any better. His old life (as a banker) has passed away. His new life is on the same plane as the janitor, and the janitor's old life (of a janitor) has passed away. They are now one in Christ--equals. There was division in the church at Corinth. Paul was correcting that, and that is what he was teaching. This is a much misused verse.
When looking at the Greek the passage would read;
Old things have passed away and are passing away, behold all things are new and becoming new.
What is being said there is that although everything has passed and become new this day, tomorrow will bring a new set of things to pass and become new. Each day is a new level of repentance and faith even though the day prior was all it could be.
Not even the Greek can help you if you ignore the context. You don't have any idea of the true meaning of the verse.
So with that do you believe that a person can get saved by just believing in Jesus and remaining in rebellion against God's authority over them?
You put words in my mouth that I never said.
I said nothing about remaining in rebellion.
Salvation is by faith and faith alone. Your paradigm concerning salvation makes salvation into a works based salvation which the Bible does not teach.