Utilyan, most of this makes little sense.
There is more than one baptism, the One Baptism Paul speaks of is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost, whereby the believer is baptized into God, Christ, the Spirit.
Address what I said about the "water" and we can take it from there.
You, like Nicodemus, are thinking carnally, physically, and Christ makes it clear that is not what being born of water and the Spirit refers to.
You can witness a man eating a cheeseburger, but you cannot witness a man being born of God. Being born of God, as shown to you in the passages quoted...
...is accomplished as a spiritual process invisible to the eye, and utilizes the Word of God,, specifically, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not physical water.
So for now I will focus on one point you tried to make: do you still feel that God was baptizing with water, because you thought Christ was baptizing with water?
Do you not see that what Christ is foretold of baptizing with is the Spirit of God?
No water in that, amigo.
God bless.
I'm going to pose the same questions Nicodemus and the Pharisees received.
12“If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
What EARTHLY thing did Jesus tell Nicodemus that he didn't believe?
You don't believe earthly things like water do anything, Neither did Nicodemus.
If you can't trust Jesus on a earthly level you can forget spiritual level.
25“The baptism of John was from what source, from heaven or from men?”
What stumped the Pharisees stumps you:
If you say its from heaven, Then why don't you believe baptism does anything?
And if you say its from Men, then you don't accept John as a prophet.