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What is the Christian theological response to racism?


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What are some biblical truths we can offer the world on this subject? What are some worldly ideas we can correct?

What is the biblical response to concepts like privilege, and intersectionality?

What is the biblical response to social justice?
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Steven Yeadon

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That race is an artificial construct based on skin color and appearance. The bible says we are one race found in Adam and Eve. The Genesis Curses apply to all men and women equally.

We who are saved by Jesus Christ are a holy race found in the new Adam, Jesus Christ. There are now two races, the redeemed and the Lost we desire to be redeemed. Culture is a far better way of distinguishing differences, but we are still one mankind.

If there was an Old Covenant distinction it was of two races, Jew and Gentile, made one in Jesus Christ.

I find Jemar Tisby out of Reformed Theological Seminary to do a great job here.

Putting Race in Biblical Perspective By Jemar Tisby - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

Problem is, we can lead on race as evangelicals because we have the truth of the bible, but will we?


Active Member
All men are created equal is not scriptural.

Genesis chapter 9:
24) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26) And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27) God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

Genesis chapter 49 addresses what will befall each of the son's of Jacob descendents in the latter days.

Esau's descendents carry a perpetual curse.

There are many more prophecied cursings and blessings.


Well-Known Member
All men are created equal is not scriptural.

Genesis chapter 9:
24) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26) And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27) God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

Genesis chapter 49 addresses what will befall each of the son's of Jacob descendents in the latter days.

Esau's descendents carry a perpetual curse.

There are many more prophecied cursings and blessings.
How exactly can you accurately decide who is descended from these people that, according to you, still carry a curse?

peace to you

Steven Yeadon

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All men are created equal is not scriptural.

Genesis chapter 9:
24) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26) And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27) God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

Genesis chapter 49 addresses what will befall each of the son's of Jacob descendents in the latter days.

Esau's descendents carry a perpetual curse.

There are many more prophecied cursings and blessings.

Canaan, Shem, and Japheth are not races, though, they are individuals. Please quote more scripture, because where does it say Esau's descendants carry a perpetual curse? Job of the Book of Job may have been an Edomite, people the bible calls brethren of the Jews, people God takes special care to call to repentance through the old testament prophets.


Active Member
How exactly can you accurately decide who is descended from these people that, according to you, still carry a curse?

peace to you

By God's Grace and Sovereignty, I think at this point, most people in America are Heinz 57 like me.

However, there are many nations of the earth that have been much more racially and/or religiously particular than Americans.

I think some of this particularism has been imported to America and has been part of the manifestation of divisive Identity Politics.

It is God's call as to how long a curse or blessing endures. And only God knows the identity of those that are or were blessed or cursed.

The only curse that I know is perpetual is the curse upon the Edomites.
Ezekiel chapter 35. Supported by several other places in scripture.

The dark skinned folks that American society currently labels African Americans carry a somewhat unique classification. As Africa is a continent and not just a specific nation. A particularly odd classification when only parts of Africa are occupied by predominantly dark skinned folks. Many of the folks labeled African American are many generations removed from the African continent and country of their nativity. Some are very recent arrivals.

Similarly most light skinned folks are lumped in classification wise together regardless of their varying countries of nativity and varying duration of removal.
I wonder why the classification is just White rather than European American.

Personally, I think the nation would be better off if we were all spiritually colorblind. But the only way I know to become truly spiritually colorblind is to be born again. And America has been steadily moving in the other direction for a very long time. Therefore, we are reaping what we have sown.

Hence, I am convinced that we are deep into the prophecied falling away. The increasing chaos and perverseness to me validates my view.


Active Member
Canaan, Shem, and Japheth are not races, though, they are individuals. Please quote more scripture, because where does it say Esau's descendants carry a perpetual curse? Job of the Book of Job may have been an Edomite, people the bible calls brethren of the Jews, people God takes special care to call to repentance through the old testament prophets.

Ezekiel chapter 35
Isaiah chapter 61

I suppose the definition of race is subjective. It means different things to different people.


20,000 Posts Club
That race is an artificial construct based on skin color and appearance. The bible says we are one race found in Adam and Eve. The Genesis Curses apply to all men and women equally.

And where does the Bible say that we currently are one race?

We who are saved by Jesus Christ are a holy race found in the new Adam, Jesus Christ. There are now two races, the redeemed and the Lost we desire to be redeemed. Culture is a far better way of distinguishing differences, but we are still one mankind.

The Saved and unsaved are NOT different races. Your link mentioned I Peter 2:9 - which states "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood," That is not in the KJV (and I am not a KJO!) So, Steven - what version adds the word "Race"

The link goes on to say " The image of God in all people makes them equally worthy of dignity in the sight of God" if that is so - then women should be allowed to be pastors!

The link did mentioned that be a racist is a sin. I can go along with that- BUT what makes a person a racist? One who thinks his race is better simply based on race. Now - lets use this example. - As a Caucasian, Would I date and/or marry a Black women - no - does that make me a racist - NO! IT shows I have a preference. Just as I would not marry a girl from Germany, Philippians, or most any other county. Why - because of the cultural difference. Likewise, I have a preference of females who are brunette, shorter than me, and younger than me. Going by those standards - does that make me a bad person? NO! The article also stated most churches are 80-90% of one race - The reason being -often it is the cultural difference of the church worship.

YES, there are differences in races - does not mean its bad. There are 7 disease that tend to affect Blacks more often.
Using the "there is only one race - the human race" is nothing more than PC. There are different races - but some people think they
need to make a big deal out of it.

On the other hand - I like to play basketball - I could not care less, what color, religion, ect a person is - I will play a game with you.

In fact, let me tell this true story. People often say "I just don't notice the race of another person" Well, ready for this!!! ?
I was at the Pulaski, VA; YMCA. I walked in the gym to shoot a few hoops. A couple guys asked me If I would join them to have a 3 on 3 ball game - sure - so I joined them. After teams were chosen, I recommended one of the teams be skins, since I did not know any of the other five guys. The Captain of the other team - looked at me - and said - "Are you serious" I responded yes.. He said - if you didn't notice - the three of us are black - you three guys are white! I then look at the other five - and responded - "yea, I guess so"! -- This happened about 1996.

Steven Yeadon

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Ezekiel chapter 35
Isaiah chapter 61

I suppose the definition of race is subjective. It means different things to different people.

Ezekiel 35 is about Edom being wiped out for its sins against Israel. It's cities will be wastelands and never populated again. Obadiah makes it clear no male Edomites survived on earth. They are a destroyed people group like the Canaanites. Such is God's justice. Of course, this is independent of the righteous Edomites with a place in the Kingdom at the resurrection.

These are nations, ethnos in the Greek New Testament, we get ethnicity from the Word. You're right though. Depends on how you define race. Race in America is typically skin color and appearance based.

I don't see what you are referring to in Isaiah 61. It is eschatological, and thus difficult to know who the foreigners to the resurrected saints are.

Ok, I guess I might have gotten ahead of myself. What is Race biblically and in American society? What say you?

Steven Yeadon

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And where does the Bible say that we currently are one race?

The Saved and unsaved are NOT different races. Your link mentioned I Peter 2:9 - which states "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood," That is not in the KJV (and I am not a KJO!) So, Steven - what version adds the word "Race"

The link goes on to say " The image of God in all people makes them equally worthy of dignity in the sight of God" if that is so - then women should be allowed to be pastors!

The link did mentioned that be a racist is a sin. I can go along with that- BUT what makes a person a racist? One who thinks his race is better simply based on race. Now - lets use this example. - As a Caucasian, Would I date and/or marry a Black women - no - does that make me a racist - NO! IT shows I have a preference. Just as I would not marry a girl from Germany, Philippians, or most any other county. Why - because of the cultural difference. Likewise, I have a preference of females who are brunette, shorter than me, and younger than me. Going by those standards - does that make me a bad person? NO! The article also stated most churches are 80-90% of one race - The reason being -often it is the cultural difference of the church worship.

YES, there are differences in races - does not mean its bad. There are 7 disease that tend to affect Blacks more often.
Using the "there is only one race - the human race" is nothing more than PC. There are different races - but some people think they
need to make a big deal out of it.

On the other hand - I like to play basketball - I could not care less, what color, religion, ect a person is - I will play a game with you.

In fact, let me tell this true story. People often say "I just don't notice the race of another person" Well, ready for this!!! ?
I was at the Pulaski, VA; YMCA. I walked in the gym to shoot a few hoops. A couple guys asked me If I would join them to have a 3 on 3 ball game - sure - so I joined them. After teams were chosen, I recommended one of the teams be skins, since I did not know any of the other five guys. The Captain of the other team - looked at me - and said - "Are you serious" I responded yes.. He said - if you didn't notice - the three of us are black - you three guys are white! I then look at the other five - and responded - "yea, I guess so"! -- This happened about 1996.

Salty, you have some good points. It depends on definitions. I was quick to post.

Race is based on appearance.
Ethnicity on culture.
Nationality on citizenship.

This SAT prep website has a useful table at the top for the dictionary definitions.

Race vs. Ethnicity vs. Nationality: All You Need to Know

I see race does exist, but honestly the bible does not really use it to divide up people groups like we do in America.

ADAM is everyone's forebear, to include Eve. His very name in Hebrew makes him a kind of representative of mankind. Now do his children vary in appearance, yes. Race is real, as you say, so is ethnicity because of the sin at Babel, and so is nationality thanks to people like Nimrod.

However, we seem to miss a common humanity, a common humanity cursed by God, and redeemed in Jesus Christ. Dead in Adam, alive in Jesus Christ. A holy citizenship found in heaven.

You're right though, race is real. So is ethnicity, and so is earthly nationality.


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Galatians 3:27-29 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.

Ephesians 2:14-22 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Revelation 7:9-10 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”


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Racism is tribalism. In the South there are today monuments to heroes of the pro-slavery confederacy. There are those posting on this board that deny the Civil War was fought over slavery. So could a bias against blacks be embedded in white culture? Of course. Is the opposite also true, bias against non-blacks be embedded in black culture? You bet. Does one party fan the flames to gain and hold power? Listen to Joe and Al.

Ask yourself why the rioters, arsonists and looters as seen on TV are primarily black? Do they see American culture as rigged against them, so when they see opportunity, they feel justified in tearing it down?

Do churches have Pastors that address not the problem with others, but the problem within ourselves?

Years ago, when I was relatively a young guy, I walked into a Baptist church in the south, carrying a half cast baby. Many if not all eyes were on me as I sat down in the very front row. On the outside I was stoic, but on the inside I was beaming. That baby was just as lost as any other, and just as loved by Jesus. The answer my friends is blowing in the wind.


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Salty, you have some good points. It depends on definitions. I was quick to post.

Race is based on appearance.
Ethnicity on culture.
Nationality on citizenship.

This SAT prep website has a useful table at the top for the dictionary definitions.

Race vs. Ethnicity vs. Nationality: All You Need to Know

I see race does exist, but honestly the bible does not really use it to divide up people groups like we do in America.

ADAM is everyone's forebear, to include Eve. His very name in Hebrew makes him a kind of representative of mankind. Now do his children vary in appearance, yes. Race is real, as you say, so is ethnicity because of the sin at Babel, and so is nationality thanks to people like Nimrod.

However, we seem to miss a common humanity, a common humanity cursed by God, and redeemed in Jesus Christ. Dead in Adam, alive in Jesus Christ. A holy citizenship found in heaven.

You're right though, race is real. So is ethnicity, and so is earthly nationality.

From one man he created every nation of men. This was Paul's message to the Greeks at Mars Hill. Indeed the word translated man and mankind is the word adam in the OT. We are all born into the race of Adam.

The only escape from your race identity with Adam is by being reborn into Christ.

I see skin color as totally irrelevant in Scripture, BTW. Culture and nation are important, but skin color is rarely mentioned. The Bible is strangely devoid of warnings about skin color relations.


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...The Saved and unsaved are NOT different races. ....

They are in sense. The term born again, is significant, as we are all born in Adam, and to escape this identity, we are born again into Christ.

You could certainly say there are just two races, those still in Adam and those in Christ. Jesus himself called Christians kinsman or brothers.
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Well-Known Member
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Racism is tribalism. In the South there are today monuments to heroes of the pro-slavery confederacy. There are those posting on this board that deny the Civil War was fought over slavery. So could a bias against blacks be embedded in white culture? Of course. Is the opposite also true, bias against non-blacks be embedded in black culture? You bet. Does one party fan the flames to gain and hold power? Listen to Joe and Al.....

This is a key point I've been thinking about. Maybe we are not having real meaningful race discussions yet. Maybe the real discussion is too difficult to have.

If we're all in Adam and all under a curse, and all have a sin nature, then maybe we need to be looking beyond the white community for racism. Biblically, racists come in all colors, and therefore all communities need to be scrutinized.

If you have numerous communities exempt from the charge of racism, it would seem likely racism could be thriving on those communities rather than the one under constant scrutiny.
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All men are created equal is not scriptural.

Genesis chapter 9:
24) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26) And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27) God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

Genesis chapter 49 addresses what will befall each of the son's of Jacob descendents in the latter days.

Esau's descendents carry a perpetual curse.

There are many more prophecied cursings and blessings.

I'm not sure what you're saying here. If you're saying that some men are born more sinful than others, I disagree. If you're saying that only some races can be saved, I disagree.

If you're merely saying that various men will be born into various situations, and some will have advantages, like wealth, etc. I would agree. Or if you're saying that some cultures are more wicked than others, I agree, but God does not create specific cultures. Men collectively created their own cultures. God is not responsible for the wickedness in certain lines, like Cain's and Esau's.


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One thing, also, this debate desperately needs is an emphasis on the importance of truth. Truth matters needs top all other matters mantras.

Truth is losing its importance in today's society. Truth and justice are no longer the American way. It was left out of the modern Superman movie. These ideas have been replaced by feelings and social justice.

Before we go anywhere with this national discussion, we have to ask if particular things are true.

Are police really racist? Is there data to prove this?
Are the Police Racist?

Does America really have racism in its DNA?
Racism Is Not in America's DNA

These questions, right now, are not politically correct to ask. Christians and church leaders should understand and point out why these questions much be asked and answered with data and logical arguments.


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What are some biblical truths we can offer the world on this subject? What are some worldly ideas we can correct?

What is the biblical response to concepts like privilege, and intersectionality?

What is the biblical response to social justice?
First, all humans can be prejudice and racists among our ranks, as its not just Whites that corner that market!
Also, the answer we do have is Jesus Christ, as humans must be born again , as natures need to change before behavior and thoughts can!


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First, all humans can be prejudice and racists among our ranks, as its not just Whites that corner that market!
Also, the answer we do have is Jesus Christ, as humans must be born again , as natures need to change before behavior and thoughts can!

Hmm. While I agree, that we must be born again to be saved, I'm not sure I agree that an unbeliever can never be a good citizen, never accept the truth about anything never distinguish between good and evil. Perhaps you can reexplain that.

In fact, I believe the the Church can and has been good influence on cultures throughout its history. Paul spoke about the benefits of governments and law enforcement officials (Romans 13). I think Christians could at the very least, make arguments in support of law and order.


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Hmm. While I agree, that we must be born again to be saved, I'm not sure I agree that an unbeliever can never be a good citizen, never accept the truth about anything never distinguish between good and evil. Perhaps you can reexplain that.

In fact, I believe the the Church can and has been good influence on cultures throughout its history. Paul spoke about the benefits of governments and law enforcement officials (Romans 13). I think Christians could at the very least, make arguments in support of law and order.
The unsaved can be morally upright and good citizens, but my point was addressing what we have to offer this climate of civil unrest!