And where does the Bible say that we currently are one race?
The Saved and unsaved are NOT different races. Your link mentioned I Peter 2:9 - which states "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood," That is not in the KJV (and I am not a KJO!) So, Steven - what version adds the word "Race"
The link goes on to say " The image of God in all people makes them equally worthy of dignity in the sight of God" if that is so - then women should be allowed to be pastors!
The link did mentioned that be a racist is a sin. I can go along with that- BUT what makes a person a racist? One who thinks his race is better simply based on race. Now - lets use this example. - As a Caucasian, Would I date and/or marry a Black women - no - does that make me a racist - NO! IT shows I have a preference. Just as I would not marry a girl from Germany, Philippians, or most any other county. Why - because of the cultural difference. Likewise, I have a preference of females who are brunette, shorter than me, and younger than me. Going by those standards - does that make me a bad person? NO! The article also stated most churches are 80-90% of one race - The reason being -often it is the cultural difference of the church worship.
YES, there are differences in races - does not mean its bad.
There are 7 disease that tend to affect Blacks more often.
Using the "there is only one race - the human race" is nothing more than PC. There are different races - but some people think they
need to make a big deal out of it.
On the other hand - I like to play basketball - I could not care less, what color, religion, ect a person is - I will play a game with you.
In fact, let me tell this true story. People often say "I just don't notice the race of another person" Well, ready for this!!! ?
I was at the Pulaski, VA; YMCA. I walked in the gym to shoot a few hoops. A couple guys asked me If I would join them to have a 3 on 3 ball game - sure - so I joined them. After teams were chosen, I recommended one of the teams be skins, since I did not know any of the other five guys. The Captain of the other team - looked at me - and said - "Are you serious" I responded yes.. He said - if you didn't notice - the three of us are black - you three guys are white! I then look at the other five - and responded - "yea, I guess so"! -- This happened about 1996.