Something seems terribly wrong here. The video by the ERLC that Jerome put up says social justice ministry is to do things like help or start a food pantry, help women in crisis pregnancies, give free medical care to the poor, and get involved in homeless ministries. Is that it? Almost every church I have ever been to does that kind of stuff.
For you guys to be so united against social justice, I figure I am probably being lied to by the ERLC on what constitutes social justice ministry. If they mean charity, especially to the Brethren in need, well that is just part and parcel of being a Christian according to the New Testament. Am I being lied to by the ERLC?
First, I am not a Southern Baptist, so I cannot comment on the Convention's committees. Second, Social Justice is not about food pantries, medical care, and homeless ministries. Christians have been addressing those issues long before neo-Marxist terminology made its way on the scene.
Social Justice is really Progressivism. It is a form of social change to fit into a defined set of norms. Those norms are derived from an elitist view of society. That is how communism found fertile ground in the minds of European scholars, in the mid-19th century and eventually lead to the Russian revolution. Those views are still here today, although they have been updated for the digital age and wear new clothes. Progressivism has never been about seeking the truth, it has always been about ideological indoctrination. It is done slowly and incrementally. It's most holy institutions are colleges and universities. They send out their drones into the world to infect others. Those that they cannot infect they try to control through threats and intimidation.
The Social Justice Movement found its way into evangelical churches through the weakest link approach. Those churches that no longer preached the Word of God in power and in truth were ripe for false teaching. Nature abhors a vacuum and abandoning biblical teaching creates a void that something is going to fill.