How about it, KJVOs? Without any Scriptural support, BY WHAT AUTHORITY do you believe the KJVO myth?
It depends on what the different "KJVO's" out there express, as to why they hold to what was ( up until 1881 ) the most popular and considered accurate English translation of the Bible. It is the singular height of the Reformation era English Bibles, hands down, in my opinion.
What parts of the issue do you consider myth, and what parts ( if any ) do you see as having weight?
With respect, if you think it's all a load of hogwash, then I find no reason to answer any of the questions you might pose that are related to this subject.
Thirdly ( and I cannot point this out enough ),
Based on careful reading of several translations, do you see any problems with the way other English Bibles are translated when compared to something that's been around ( and used by God to call His saints ) for 400+ years?
Have you even looked at it that deeply?
If not, then perhaps a more informed decision is in order.
Granted, long use and tradition should not determine whether something we hold in our hands is
the Bible...God's leading should determine that for any child of His, as I see it.
But if you find it objectionable that there are people out there who insist on sifting through the newer translations to find out if they were done
correctly, or even looking at them closely to determine whether or not they really ARE the words of God Himself, then there's nothing to speak of, if you'll pardon the expression.
I consider myself very familiar with Late Middle English definitions of many terms; and at this point in my studies, I am also convinced of the AV's accuracy given the manuscripts that were available in 1604 when it was begun.
In addition, I am only
further convinced of its accuracy given the manuscripts that are
now available, because ( from my research ) most of the newer translations are based on
less manuscript evidence than what was available to the "KJV" translators in 1604.
For example, I know of very few English translations that are based on the MT, instead of the CT, and that doesn't even address those few that are based solely on the TR.
Just because the manuscripts are older, does not make them more accurate or faithful.. and just because the CT is preferred by most scholars, does not mean that I agree with them.
Nothing that has been discussed over the years, either on this forum or on the many others that I have read and / or participated in, has caused me to abandon that which I started out using in 1978.
Despite the vitriol leveled against the "
Despised Authorized" by many ( even here ), I prefer it above all others, and will continue to prefer and trust in it above all others...regardless of any errors in translation that it may have.
However, I will not
force any of my brothers and sisters to adopt that which I
prefer for personal reasons.
Simply put, I have no
Scriptural authority to
demand that anyone adhere to a particular translation;
Whether it be in English, Espanol, Francais, Deutsch, or any other tongue, I will trust the Lord to put His words into the hands of His children in whatever language they speak and understand.
I don't buy into most of the "KJVO" hype that is circulating these days, though I once did agree with some of it.
I've seen through "Ruckmanism", "Riplinger-ism" and some of the other things bouncing around, and I don't care to repeat any of it...
But I do see some things that are not right, in my eyes, and I think that they bear closer investigation.
Myths are an interesting thing...
Part truth, and largely, part error, in my estimation.
Take truth, layer it thickly with hype and misinformation, and out comes a myth;
But it's the truth that's hidden that needs to be drilled down to the center of.
At the end of it all, I believe in two things:
Inspiration and Preservation.
I also believe that God uses His children to do many things, and the Devil uses
his children to try and counter the Lord's efforts
in many things.
" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." ( Ephesians 6:12 ).
If you don't think anything is going on ( at the spiritual level ) in the translation department, I urge you to think again.
Apologies for the editorial, but I like to be thorough.
May God bless you richly, good sir.