But what constitutes "marries"?
Does there have to be a ceremony?
Does there have to be a marriage license issued by a governmental office?
Can a couple make vows to each other and abide by them without any church or state involvement?
Does God view a couple as being married where they have had a ceremony, have a license, but where there is no love for each other?
Is is possible for a couple to be legally married, but not married in God's eyes?
I would say that a marriage consists of a Covenant & Consumation. There is obviously instances in scripture where physical joining does not equal marraige. so that's out.
-There has to be some "ceremony" if you want to call it that...it can be as small as the couple & a minister...or a Justice of the peace, in which they covenant to be married to each other. In General, I would say if a couple simply starts sleeping together and move in, then one day they decide they are married...they have overlooked the covenant part, because they could just as easily decide the next day that they aren't married anymore. So I would say, not legit.
A few more hypothetical examples of my own thoughts...
1. A couple who decides to get married, goes to the courthouse and gets the license, then they are married.
2. A couple Has a Marriage ceremony with a minister and all their family, but for religious reasons, does not get it registered with the state...I would say they are married...Also...I can forsee a day in the U.S. when the Government definition of marriage is so useless that many Christians may prefer this.
3. I could imagine a situation in which an engaged couple are shipwrecked on an island, realize no one is coming to rescue them, so they commit before God to marry and be faithful to each other for life...they have intercourse, give birth to a few children, and 7 years later they are rescued...I would say even though they don't get the govt paper, ceremony, or even the minister's blessing till then, they were married on the island and did not fornicate.
4. If a couple covenants to be married, yet love does not exist between them, I would say they are still married, and if they commit before God to truly honoring their marriage commitments...then love will grow. This could be the case in an arranged marraige, or one in which the couple simply stops loving each other...it doesn't mean the marraige has ended in God's eyes.
5. It is possible for a couple to be legally married, but not married in God's eyes...if one spouse is secretly already married to another person, for example...or if they are both men, for example.