There are by far more white people living on the government plantation, collecting free government money and gimme's.
As of July 2014 via the Department of Commerce, 38.8% of Welfare recipients were white. 39.8% are black.
Blacks make up 12.6%; whites 72.4% [] (I cite my sources; you don't).
But supposing your unidentified sources are reasonably accurate, 39.8% of 12.6% is 50.15% of blacks using some type of welfare, and 38.8% of 72.4% is 28.2% of whites. What's missing, obviously, is the number of total welfare recipients. The broadest definition of this seems to be 108,592,000 using any of the following: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (formerly Aid to Families With Dependent Children), Supplemental Security Income, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or food stamps) []. If the total population is 306,000,000 [same ref.], then there are about 6,248,000 whites on welfare, and 19,336,000 blacks.
So, your primary thesis, {There are by far more white people living on the government plantation, collecting free government money and gimme's} is not true.