So God can't lead me to prepare a series of messages? God can't bless you through a prepared message?
This lay person enjoys expository preaching. This is not to say that there is never a place for a topical sermon message, but I can still recall some of the good expository sermons from my former pastor (now with the Lord) that he preached some 40 years ago. He'd preach expository from one book on Sunday mornings, from another book on Sunday evenings, and from another on Wednesday evenings.
This relatively new Christian at the time (about 5-6 YO in Christ at the time) learned much from his ministry, especially how to study the Bible from the Historical / Grammatical method. No "proof texts" (usually taken out of context) when he was behind the pulpit.
This "I-Don't-Need-No-Studying" concept reminds me of the story about a preacher who believed in just opening the Bible anywhere and, with his eyes closed, point to a verse on that page, and "Let'er Rip!!!" That is, until this happened to him:
1) His Bible opened up to Matthew 27, and his finger landed on the latter part of verse 5 -- "[Judas] went out and hanged himself."
2) Not satisfied with that, he tried it again, this time opening up to Luke 10 and his finger pointing to the last part of verse 37 -- "Go, and do thou likewise."
3) So he gives it one final try and opens up to John 13 with his finger pointing to the last part of verse 27 -- "That thou doest, do quickly!"
Sure enough, he had his three points, but I doubt seriously if that's really what God wanted that preacher to exhort the congregation to do.