Newt Gingrich's Congress impeaching Clinton for perjuring himself over Lewinsky Scandal.
Revealing classified and highly sensitive information to a potential enemy state such as Russia is very disconcerting. It worries me way more than Clinton lying about Lewinksy. You may not have a problem with it and that is your right as an America to disagree, but I and many others, on the Republican and Democrat side of politics do.
Lying under oath is a felony and an impeachable offense, which Clinton committed, and you, not unlike most Liberals, you reveal you have no concern for the rule of law.
A President having a discussion with foreign dignitaries is a lawful way government officials conduct government business.
There are no reports of Trump doing anything illegal or acting in a manner that would be Constitutional grounds for impeachment, but not unlike most Liberals, you reveal gossip tickles your ears and think that your opinions should have legal standing. They don't.