Some of the "lies" that president Trump has allegedly made are lies themselves from the marxist lunatic fringe which have been circulated over the internet.
Here are a few hundred from CNN and an example.
Knock yourself out.
I wanted to compile every CNN fake news story against Trump since he became the Republican nominee. I got bored by the time I hit #50. Here they are. • r/The_Donald
Looks like its been shut down! I wonder why!?
Fake News Alert #342 (Adding "racial" to Trump's comments)
How about giving me links to those lies. Thanks.
Some of the "lies" that president Trump has allegedly made are lies themselves from the marxist lunatic fringe which have been circulated over the internet.
Here are a few hundred (originally) from CNN and an example.
Knock yourself out.
I wanted to compile every CNN fake news story against Trump since he became the Republican nominee. I got bored by the time I hit #50. Here they are. • r/The_Donald
Fake News Alert #342 (Adding "racial" to Trump's comments)
Bad source Hank. When I clicked on ones about Trump only the statement came up, but no backup at all. Sorry, I have to discount all those as fake news in favor of Trump until I can actually see the articles.