Do you mean Christ's imminent return? If so, yes. I believe we are seeing Satan's loosing since the 1800s and the great apostasy of false prophets that accompanies it.
Yes sir, sorry.
I agree with the removal of the restrainer in progress, the apostasy ... and the false prophets. ("prosperity gospel" has exploded in the last couple of decades, yes?)
I believe part of that false teaching originated in your cited 1800s also has us with this "doctrine of immanence" and the pre-tribulation Church rapture. Both are efforts to deny the preparedness of The Bride for The Bridegroom. Daniel, from the "Gabriel download" prophesied with precision the time of Messiah's being cut-off. So while Jesus could have been born "at any time," He wasn't. He was born at the appointed time.
I believe we have been told when to be at "Defcon 1" as we cannot be "at the ready 24/7 indefinitely." Jesus knows this ... even those who were with Him couldn't be ready all night in the garden.
What amazes me is the very people who crucified Him were the very people who KNEW, according to Daniel, THAT year was the one Messiah would be "cut-off." A type/shadow of the End Times delusion, right? Only Nicodemus (apparently) was recognizing what was happening right before him after a lifetime of preaching/teaching The Law and the Prophets.
Noah was told the number of years he had to be prepared.
Moses was told the number of years the Hebrews would wander in the wilderness.
I've already mentioned Jeremiah's prophesy about the duration of being in captivity.
I've taken this one and perhaps a Hebrew scholar can verify/refute, but Jesus' words as He left the Temple for the last time "... not a stone here will be left unturned" apparently sums to 40 ... spoken in 30 (not 33 AD). Prophesying the destruction of the 2nd Temple, which enabled that NO believer was killed when the Romans arrived, because they'd fled PER this prophesy.
So ... I understand from these different passages and parables ... a Post Tribulation/Pre Wrath of The Lamb Church rapture and it is told we will know the season per the fig tree parable. I take that literally. I believe we've been told and can understand The Day of The Lord will happen in a specific 12 month period ... at some point in the future, we'll know within 3 months (a season) ... perhaps which Feast in that 12 month period. Some are already declaring the Feast of Trumpets. That's a 48 hour period, right? So unknown is the day or the hour ... but known is/will be the season. Just like Messiah's being cut off in 30 AD. Daniel didn't report "no one will know the day nor the hour" EVER.
I also understand there is objection to all of this. I accept that. I didn't understand this either until just a few years ago.
It began with a recognition of those things in the sky which we were told to use for sign and for season ... then there was a sign presented on 23 Sep 17 which hadn't happened in (I forget the exact number of years) almost 6000 according to NASA's stellerium program; Rev 12:1-2. I learned about this sign's forming only a month/so ahead of the event. I wasn't sure what to make of it but I do have screen shots of my phone's star tracker program and it presents precisely as told in Rev 12. I began to read again. God reconnected me with a colleague who is the son of missionary parents in Nigeria, he spent his first 16 years on the planet in Nigeria. He'd recently met Robert Mawire, from Rhodesia, who wrote "Chronogram code" just a few years prior to their meeting.
As I worked through Mawire's declaration of revelation in The Word ... I was stunned ... and it made sense to me. I've sought confirmation time and again as has my good friend and colleague. Provided.
So ... when Jesus said "when you see these things, look up for your redemption draws near." He wasn't just whistling Dixie.
I appreciate the opportunity to share this with y'all. I seek only The Truth; His Kingdom and His Righteousness. Everything else is rubbish --- where my ego needs to be the first cast. There's a right way to "be right" and a whole lotta wrong ways. We're not computers, we're people. Being offensive is counter productive. I'll let the Cross be the offense for it reveals my need of Jesus. Anything else is exaltation of self.