pffft. please. I've seen footage of a hearing on Fanny and Freddy convened at Bush's request. Frank out and out lied about the status of their solvency and another senator all but threatened the guy who was raising the questions.
here's a synopsis
The fact is, Republicans NEVER had a super majority that would've allowed them to unilaterally create the regulatory agency called for by Bush's guy... they were reliant on Democrats seeing the light and voting their way, but Frank LIED
LIED, then LIED some more.
We have the Dems to thank ENTIRELY for this mess, and just because your idol Obama is one of them, doesn't make it any less true.
[EDIT] Here's the other one I was thinking of in which Maxine Waters, Democrat, says "we've had a dozen meetings, trying to fix something that wasn't broken." That means that, up to that point, there'd been at least 12 meetings, called at Bush's request, to deal with Fanny and Freddy. Then, watch about a minute in, you'll hear the guy get violent toward the regulator...
THESE are the people who are to blame for the economic collapse... Notice the little letter by each of their names? Is that a "D"? That looks like a "D" to me. What do you think, guys? Are those little "D"s next to their names? Huh. I wonder what all those little "D"s stand for...