I like to say I'm a Peculiar Baptist, based on 1 Peter 2:9
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
I'm cal in my soteriology (Low to Moderate, Infralapsarianism)
Eschatology I haven't figured out, never was indoctrinated per se as a Dispy, but never really knew about the other views, and do see holes in what I do understand about Dispensationalism.
I currently drive about 30 minutes to attend an SBC church that is "reformish" they are elder governed which I like, since most SBC churches are deacon and committee run, which doesn't match up with scripture. This church also puts a big emphasis on missions/evangelism, being hands/feet of Christ, and the responsibility of parents for their children being taught about the Lord. They are also not afraid to practice compassionate church discipline, unlike most SBC churches.
I don't describe myself as confessional, but what I've studied of the 1689, New Hampshire COF, and the Abstracts of Principles I do not have a problem adhering to any of these if required by a church for membership, etc.
Oh, and most importantly, to be a good Baptist you have to like fried chicken, right? If so count me in.